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Dec 18, 202210 min read
Signs you are being manipulated/dating a narcissist
. Feeling as if you have to explain yourself in every little detail of what you were doing throughout the day. (Ex: mentioning every...

Oct 7, 20223 min read
From a narcissists point of view *poem*
I lie cheat and steal. I’ll lie straight to your face & brag about how I always keep it real. I’ll steal some of your money & some of...
Oct 9, 20213 min read
Empty houses in the birth chart
Do you have empty houses in your birth chart? No need to worry, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing, in fact, there isn’t such thing as...

Sep 16, 20219 min read
Your biggest wound (Chiron) Aries-Virgo part 1
Chiron is often referred to as "the wounded healer", in other words, whatever sign/house your Chiron is in your chart, is where you were...

Sep 16, 20213 min read
Positive traits of Venus in Virgo men ♍️
Venus in Virgo The positives when it comes to dating a Venus in Virgo man: #1. Loyal & dependable. Men with Venus in Virgo are incredibly...

Sep 16, 20215 min read
Parents should stop babying their children ASAP. Here is what I think about this topic
One thing I don’t understand is why parents baby their children? & why some teachers expect us to baby our children? If my kid forgets...

Sep 8, 202112 min read
Mars in the 12 signs
Mars in the birth chart shows what gets us fired up, what makes us tick, than explode. What makes us angry 😡! Wanna know what will make...

Aug 29, 202118 min read
Children's Moon Sign & Moon Aspects in the natal chart.
Back in the old days, it was pretty much a given that the mother is the nurturing parent. This day in age a lot has changed. Where a...

Aug 8, 20212 min read
Lions Gate Portal
Today we have a few magical moments happening in the sky above. Today at 1:49 pm we have a new moon in Leo, coupled with the new moon in...

Aug 3, 20215 min read
A psychic/spiritual experience
On 7/29/2021 I went to my mothers dog grooming salon to help her out because her boyfriend who works the front (answering phones & making...

Apr 28, 20219 min read
Sun in the houses
The Sun's (house) position shows us what area our personalities shine most. The areas of life associated with the house it occupies...

Apr 26, 20212 min read
Scorpio Sun, Rising or Stellium's
Scorpio is the 8th zodiac sign of the zodiac, ruling the 8th house. Scorpio is a fixed sign. Fixed signs are inflexible & stuck in their...

Apr 26, 20212 min read
Full super pink moon in Scorpio 4/26/2021
The first *super* full moon of the year will be on 4/26/2021 & it will fall in the sign of *Scorpio*. A super full moon means that the...

Apr 23, 20213 min read
New moon ritual
What you will need for a new moon ritual: . A white candle (if you don’t have a white one any color is fine, but preferably white because...

Feb 22, 20216 min read
Moon in the 12 houses
The Moons position in the birth shows your unconscious emotional reactions to situations based on your early experiences and family...

Feb 18, 20218 min read
Sun in the 12 houses
Your Sun's sign is just as significant as the house it occupies. The Sun represents your personality, and the house it occupies is the...

Jan 17, 20215 min read
How to have a healthy relationship just by using your mind alone!
Do you seem to attract negative people? Does it feel like you are a narcissist magnet? Well I’m going to tell you why you attract these...

Jan 14, 20213 min read
The souls purpose
Our physical universe is basically split up into several different energy fields. The mental realm, emotional realm and the physical...

Nov 13, 20205 min read
Learn about astrology aspects
What are aspects in astrology? Aspects are the relationship between two planets energies and how they work together in a birth chart....

Nov 12, 20206 min read
Saturn Conjunct Pluto in January 2020 & its affect on the human race/politics/social media.
I believe that everything negative that has happened in the year 2020, has happened for a reason. (As I believe EVERYTHING always happens...
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