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5 signs you’ve been spiritually awakened 🌟

What is a Spiritual Awakening?

A Spiritual Awakening refers to a shift in consciousness. A sense of reality which was previously unnoticed. Over the course of human history, there has existed a timeless foresight, a deep and profound realization of the ground state of being; the unconditional source of all existence. The core message has always been the same, that the absolute truth is far beyond all concepts and beliefs of the human kind. Underlying apparent differences is fundamental oneness, and each and every person's true nature is whole, unbounded, and everlasting. In more simple terms, A spiritual awakening is when your old way of thinking and or doing things, takes a drastic turn in a more positive direction. The old way of doing things no longer serve you, its like your mind, body and soul is yearning for something more. Even if you can't quite figure out what it is you are yearning for. When somebody has been spiritually awakened, they may not even realize what is happening at first. They could go through a tragic event, which makes them realize that everything they were doing up to that point, didn't serve a real purpose in their life. Some people might have a near death experience, others could have recently lost of a loved one whom they held near and dear to their heart. Some others may not have anything tragic happen at all, some could just start thinking about why they were put on this earth? Then they could just out of nowhere, start searching for their purpose. Some people may even just be tired of doing the same things, having the same job, same routines and start searching deep inside of them for something more meaningful. Another possibility is that someone could be in an abusive relationship, they could feel imprisoned with their spouse. Some could have physically been in prison while they are awakened. Most of the time though (in my opinion of course), people will go through something tragic and life changing, which makes them change their whole outlook on life, and their previous ways of thinking and or doing things. Usually right before the spirit is awakened, the person usually becomes depressed, and can find themselves in their old shell of their personality being physically and socially challenged.

An experience of a spiritual awakening will literally shift your mind to its higher being, and out of nowhere, you can find yourself being more spiritual, compassionate, calm, focused, more positive emotionally, and you eventually put your ego in your back pocket. A spiritual awakening can be a bright light exposing our normal thoughts and feelings, we may start seeing more clearly our usual selfishness, desires to be comfortable and our everyday worries, knowing that the great love does not make love one's entire reality. The everyday world can still live around and very much within after a spiritual awakening. The experience of the divine does not take away one's humaness, but for many highlights it. The inability to integrate how human we are and how divine we are can lead to a state of depression.


5 signs you've been spiritually awakened:

1. You are the happiest you have ever been in your life.

All of a sudden you will feel happier and it will show on the inside and outside. Then you will start to notice that your own happiness will have a positive effect on those around you. When you spread happiness around you, everything around you starts to flourish, things that you never thought would work out will start falling into place, positive things will start happening. You will just feel better all around. You may out of nowhere have a good luck streak where everything around you seems to be working out in your favor. When this happens so sudden after a recent string of bad events, at first you will question it and probably not trust it. But eventually you will feel the change inside of yourself, and slowly learn how to start trusting it.

2. You become more spiritual/psychic, you start wondering about the afterlife, or what your life purpose is.

When I first noticed a change in myself, I started off having wierd dreams of my childhood house, and I payed very close attention to how I was feeling inside of these dreams. I felt extremely happy in my dreams and soon after I started feeling happier in real life. I then became more interested in the spiritual world. Ever since I was a child, I’ve always had a strong intuition and gut feelings about people when I first met them. I understood people’s pain, or I already knew they were going through something without them telling me anything. When you’ve been spiritually awakened though, all of thsee “psychic abilities“ somehow deepen, and become stronger than they ever were before. Now I even sometimes have visions in my head of pictures, words or letters when meeting new people. It’s really cool when this process takes place.

3. You cut off all negative behaviors or toxic people in your life that no longer serve a purpose. (and this will happen very fast).

The first sign I noticed when I was awakened was that I was much more happy, and more at peace with myself. Before it actually happened though, I was depressed about the way my life was going. I hated everything, I was so miserable. Nothing could have made me happy. I wasn't making good choices, and I didn't care about the consequences of my actions. I was still hanging out with my best friend of 10+ years that i used to get into trouble with (we were both toxic when we were together, we always did bad things) because that's how we met each other, so when we hung out, we didn't know how to do normal best friend things, it was all about the adrenaline rush of being bad together. (Don't get me wrong, my best friend was a great best friend, she was always there for me when I needed her, we always were there for each other when nobody else was, we became very close & even our kids were friends). But sometimes in life, you just have to move on from certain lifestyles if you truly want things to change. Now before this all happened, I always had the thoughts in my head that I want to be better, I want to do better, but I was so caught up Then one night right after christmas, (the last day i actually hung out with my best friend) I decided to stay to myself for a while, becasue I was so used to hanging out with my friend at least 3-4x a week. I realized that it was time to grow up. I haven't hung out with anybody besides my two kids and my boyfriend, since the new year started. I'm 100% ok with that.

4. Your inner peace is un-fuck-withable

Things that used to bother you or irritate you, no longer matter. Before I was woke, I used to have a short fuse and a bad temper. I would get so mad and defensive over the dumbest shit. Now I look back and laugh at the shit I use to get mad about. I've wasted so many words, so much energy on negative things without even having any second thoughts about using that time/energy for something positive and productive. Nothing really seems to bother

5. You suddenly feel more authentic (real) like you can be yourself without worrying what people think, you feel more responsible/reliable, and last but not least more trustworthy.

Have you ever felt like you couldn’t be yourself around certain people / personalities because they made you feel like your thoughts or opinions aren’t worthy of being spoken aloud? Or have you ever said something to somebody and their reply to what you said made you feel stupid? I think at some point, everyone goes through this in life. But when your spirit awakens, these things will no longer offend you. You will look at difference in opinions in a whole new light. You will suddenly be more open minded about different ways of viewing things. This will eventually lead you to become more reliable / responsible, because you will no longer let the opinions of others bring you down. In the end you will come out being more confident in your approach to others and your ego will no longer get in the way of your interactions on a daily basis with all different types of people.

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