Back in the old days, it was pretty much a given that the mother is the nurturing parent. This day in age a lot has changed. Where a two-income family is fundamental in this day in age (for a lot of people). Which points to the necessity for a division of parental responsibilities between mom and dad. Day care is very common too, which means that the children are in the hands of other caregivers during the parents full work-schedule each week. The nurturing of children is shared by necessity, as well as desire on the part of both parents to participate in their children's lives. The disciplinary role can no longer be delegated to one parent either.
Most astrologers still look to the Moon sign & house to determine the relationship with the mother/mother figure, and they look to Saturn to identify the relationship with the father/father figure.
The blurring of parental roles means that both the Moon & Saturn could reflect qualities of both the father & the mother, depending on which role you took on, or you could very well be both!
As you read about your child's moon sign. think about your role in parenting. Are you the nurturing parent, or the parent who disciplines? Or maybe you are both! If you are both, then the Moon will show how your child views you, and how they feel about your "nurturing style". Then you would look at your child's Saturn sign to see how your child feels about your disciplinary style. (which I will be writing about soon in a new blog post).
The moon sign always carries a secret message, It represents the mother's (or nurturing parent) verbal or non-verbal message about where to look for emotional security. The Moon is what you are instinctively drawn to, the part of you that says "I want to protect it". The house position is the more important than the actual sign that the Moon is in, although the sign its in does matter, but the house it rests in will tell the WHOLE story.

Moon in Aries (or 1 house) Child: If your child has Moon in Aries, Your parenting style teaches them to look for emotional security within THEMSELF. To be protective of them self, and to always put THEMSELF FIRST! This is probably quite obvious, even from a young age. The first house rules “independence”, so naturally children with this placement will be very independent, and will count on themselves to dust themselves off & try again.
Moon in Taurus (or 2 house) Child: If your child has Moon in Taurus, Your parenting style teaches them to look for emotional security through their possessions and money. Of course that doesn't mean they will find emotional security through material items, but this is the message they get from you by watching & listening. The 2nd house naturally rules possessions, money, and things that bring us comfort. So naturally, your child will look to material items or things that comfort them when they need emotional security.
Moon in Gemini (or 3 house) Child: If your child has Moon in Gemini, Your parenting style teaches them to look for emotional security through thinking & ideas. But the Moon is emotional, so their is an emotional tone to their ideas. They don't just remember what happened, they remember how they felt about what happened. With the Moon in Gemini, your child has to communicate their emotions & the feelings that they felt at a certain event or in a certain situation, and a lot of people don't understand that, especially if they are very left-brained- they won't get it. This also makes childrwn with this placement have a good memory, because when they interact with an emotional tone. Children with this placement can sometimes be misunderstood by the more rational signs.
Moon in Cancer (or 4 house) child: If your child has Moon in Cancer, your parenting style teaches them to look to home & family for emotional security. This is the moons natural placement, so naturally their is a very strong connection to home & family. With this placement, your child also has a very strong connection to the nurturing parent (usually the mother) and the voice in their head is probably your voice that they hear when they need to make any hard decisions, they think “what would mom think or do”. (Remember, Mercury is the conscious mind, and the Moon is the subconscious mind- which means the Moon is our ”emotional response” our knee jerk reactions that were programmed into us during our childhood)
Moon in Leo (or 5 house) child: If your child has Moon in Leo, your parenting style teaches them to look for emotional security through having fun, enjoying themselves, and to have children. The 5th house, which is ruled by Leo, is the house of fun, games and children, so naturally your child will be drawn to children (as a child & when entering adulthood). With this placement, Your child sees you as a “big kid” and will nurture you as if the roles were reversed, and you are their child!
Moon in Virgo (or 6 house) child: If your child has the Moon in Virgo, your parenting style teaches them to look for emotional security through staying busy, getting a job, and being of service (or being needed). When someone says “I need you to do this for me (asking for a favor, but using the term “I need you”), the Virgo Moon hears this as “I love you”. The Virgo Moon child learned from a very early age, that being needed & offering their help to others, satisfies their need for emotional security.
Moon in Libra (or 7 house) child: If your child has Moon in Libra, your parenting style teaches them to look for emotional security through one on one partnerships, finding a spouse, and getting married. Your child has an “emotional marriage” to the nurturing parent (usually the mother). The Moon in Libra shows that your child is so emotionally attached to the mother as an equal, that they are looking for their “mom”, in their potential partner, or relationships. The 7th house(or Libra) also rules “open enemies” (where the 12th house rules “hidden enemies”) so their could also be an adversarial relationship to the mother.
Moon in Scorpio (or 8 house) Child: If your child has Moon in Scorpio, your parenting style teaches them to look for emotional security by looking for the cause of events, the secrets behind them, what’s hidden beneath the surface. The Scorpio Moon child is not interested in what’s going on above the table, they are a natural detective & are going to be the ones who look beneath the table? To see what’s really happening- they go straight to the source. The Moon in the 8th house (or Scorpio) child, to them it is ”all or nothing” they don’t do anything half way, because they are emotionally attached to getting to the bottom of “secrets“. (remember that anything that falls in the 8th house of a chart is going to be transformed in this life time).
Moon in Sagittarius (or 9 house) Child: If your child has Moon in Sagittarius (or 9th house) your parenting style teaches them to expand their horizons & look to their beliefs and their principles, and to look at the big picture for their emotional security. To look to the Sun & spread their wings & soar. The 9th house naturally rules “free speaking”, so naturally, your child is taught from a very young age to “speak your mind” & don’t hold back! Your child is also naturally optimistic, and will always try to ”look on the bright side”.
Moon in Capricorn (or 10 house) Child: If your child has Moon in Capricorn, your parenting style teaches them to look to their career, and look to being a leader, for their emotional security. The catch here is that your child looks at you, as the leader. So naturally, as your child jumps into a career & starts climbing to the top (like the goat), your child is going to attract people to them, who represent ”their mother”. Depending on their relationship with you, that is how they will react to these people.
Moon in Aquarius (or 11 house) child: jIf your child has Moon in Aquarius, your parenting style teaches them to “be a friend” for emotional security. Your child will instinctively be drawn to groups. The 11th house (or Aquarius) represents other people’s children- who are other people’s children? Everyone. Everyone is someone’s child, which makes your child humanitarian. Your child looks to you as their friend, so naturally, your child will be like a “mother” to their friends, and that they are looking to their friends, to be ”mom”.
Moon in Pisces (or 12 house) Child: If your child has Moon in Pisces, your parenting style teaches them to pull back, retreat, and to give themselves privacy at least once a day for emotional security. The 12th house rules the subconscious mind, the spiritual world & life after death. Their is a very strong connection to the mother with this placement, especially when the mother leaves the earth, because then the mother will be in the “spirit world”, so the mother will still be communicating and encouraging the child to listen within, listen to that little voice in your head, and to listen to the divinity within you! There is a strong possiblity that the mother is highly spiritual, or in-tune with other dimensions.

Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Sun:
The sun and the moon sign are very close individually. So, when a child has the sun conjunct moon aspect, it is somewhat safe to interpret it as a double dose of the same entity., Whenever this happens, there is an emphasis on what both signs stand for. The sun is aligned with the meaning ‘wants, while the moon means ‘needs’. This is an excellent aspect to have in a chart. Children with this aspect tend to have their attention focused on one thing since their needs and wants are in the same boat. As a result of this, they are laser-focused on chasing what they want, since it also doubles for what they need. They also don’t have any problems figuring out what their goals are. They know exactly what they want out of life, and they know just how to go about focusing on getting it. Children with this aspect are usually very well supported in their early life. Boys with this aspect may identify closely with their mother, and girls with this aspect identify closely with their father. This conjunction can also represent a parent who played both roles as both the nurturer and the disciplinary. Children with their Moon trine or sextile the Sun generally believes that life is, or should be harmonious. The gift of this aspect is that these children often have the power to generate harmony around them. But they expect harmony and want to see it everywhere, and they are often shocked when they are confronted with a less than harmonious reality. In fact, when they grow up, they may even avoid facing reality for many years. They may even speak of an abusiva parent as "wonderful", willingly editing out their own pain, suffering & humiliation. The trine/sextile can be a lovely aspect, as long as the parent isn’t abusive.
Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mercury:
Chances are your child loves learning, has an inquisitive and curious mind. Given the right teachers and tools, children with this aspect generally like school. He is a natural teacher and communicator. Your child may even like to talk about things more than necessary at times! Your child often handle words and tell stories with consummate skill, and others love to hear him speak or entertain. This aspect often indicates a good memory. Your child may feel very close to a brother or sister.
Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Venus:
People are just naturally attracted to this child, perhaps because they sense that he really cares for them, too. This aspect often indicates popularity; many friends and lots of relationships. Your child might be artistic or attracted to artistic types. He could be conscious of the way that they look and probably likes nice clothes. This aspect is favorable for feminine industries: fashion, beauty, style, etc., and any work involving plenty of contact with the public. Your child is loving and kind. & is a natural arbitrator, tending to see the best in people. Your child has a natural appreciation for the past, personal as well as world history – all that is traditional. Your child finds it easy to work with music, color, fabric, and the arts – whatever is beautiful and genial.
Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Mars:
Children with this aspect tend to be physically active & attractive. They often enjoy playing sports. This child does not bite their tongue, and is no stranger to an occasional argument! He receives plenty of emotional support from his mother as a child, but if the mother was quick to anger, this child may need to learn how to let out their anger in healthy ways. This placement is also has leadership potential. Your child could be a real moving force in the lives of others. The enthusiasm that comes with this placement however, may be a little too much for some, which can make others uncomfortable in their presence. This child is brave & courageous. This placement could also manifest as temper tantrums, anger, resentment, arguments & a tendency to start fights. It'll take much patience on your part not to give in to such manipulation! (Since the Moon represents the mother, you need to work on keeping your cool) he may need help controlling impulsive behavior based more on feelings than reason. This is a dynamic position if the will is directed and pure.
Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Jupiter:
Even as a baby, everyone knows that your child is a "social butterfly!" Your child has a friendly, inviting smile and people take to him right away! By nature, your child is trusting and affectionate. His ability to counsel others is excellent, and others may come to him for advice. A natural born leader, your child’a friends find it easy to follow their example. Enthusiasm and creativity mark their character! This child may enjoy helping others solve their problems. Be patient as you teach your child to discipline their boundless exuberance! Your child needs to learn good moral habits as well as common sense and self-discipline! Give loads of love, but please don't over-indulge them! Children with this aspect are often very fortunate in life, and they rarely have trouble finding support and approval from others. Your child may find that working with people is what they want to do when they grow up! Whether professionally or not, your child will likely guide and direct other people in one way or another. Your child has a way with others and could do well in advertising, sales... any occupation that works with the public. Unless there are strong counter-indications in the chart, this child tends to look on the bright side and may have a good sense of humor. The child with this aspect typically is generous but tends to overdo in some way – in food, in action, in speech. This child feels close to the mother, but should not be over-indulged.
Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Saturn:
Children with this aspect are usually loyal and dependable, and they don’t enter or drop relationships lightly, they may also be a bit shy. This aspect leads to stability in a chart, so they may be mature for their age. Your child is likely a natural manager with a strong sense of responsibility beyond their years. Your child is disciplined, capable or hard work & is good at getting others to work with & for them. Your child is perhaps a little too serious, but they know how to make the most out of what they have!
Moon Conjunction Uranus:
Your child may like taking an ordinary event and turning it into something brand new! Likely to be mentally alert and curious. Others will be attracted to their magnetic personality and your child is more likely than not, rarely alone. Your child may have a somewhat unusual upbringing and will later attract a partner who is independent and also a bit unusual. If the mother is inconsistent in moods, rules or behavior, the child with this aspect could easily become confused. Your child needs to know they can rely on you. Your child probably also loves a good adventure.
Moon conjunct/trine/sextile Neptune:
Children with the Moon-Neptune aspect are artistic, sensitive, and driven. The combination of Moon and Neptune in a child’s chart gives birth to a vulnerable and empathic personality type. The Moon rules our emotions, moods, and feelings, while Neptune is responsible for our connection with ourselves. These children are not only in sync with their selves but also the universe, which allows them to detect the subtle changes and waves that the spiritual world sends towards them. Children with this aspect can also have psychic abilities, and are very skilled when it comes to picking up the emotional undertones when interacting with others. They can sense when everything is not as it seems. These children believe in destiny and karma. Due to their high emotional intelligence, they often become disturbed when things start to change. Moon Square/opposition Sun: Children born with this aspect are often in conflict when it comes to what they want vs what they need. The Sun is your identity, your purpose & your conscious mind. The Moon is your emotions, habits & your subconscious mind. When the Moon squares the Sun- the heart pulls you one way, while the mind pulls you another, and the result can cause deep psychic stress. This aspect often manifests in early childhood as conflict with parental figures. Your child may feel that they can’t be themselves because they will be un accepted. They may feel like they are liked, but never loved. Or they may have felt "loved" but never liked. It can feel for them as if some part of them doesn’t measure up to other people’s standards, or what others expect of them. Sometimes this square represents a struggle between the parental figures- some all pervading conflict that the child perceives- yet cannot seem to understand. These conflicts are then internalized, putting the self against the self. Moon square/opposition Mercury: Your child has difficulty making reasonable judgements because their feelings are usually involved. It is not easy for your child to be completely rational or objective, for they are extremely sensitive and cannot remain impartial in what they say or do. They sometimes have difficulty in separating fact from fancy. Your child may also unfairly assume that people are criticizing them when they didn’t mean any harm. This mindset can cause them to become unpopular. So it’s best to teach this child from a young age that not all criticism is meant to be taken as offense, & that most people genuinely just want to help make your child a better person. Moon square/opposition Venus: Children with this aspect struggle when it comes to satisfying their need for love and affection. Above all else, this is what they want most from life. To feel loved and cared for makes it a struggle for you to satisfy your need for love and affection. Above all, this is what you want most in life, a loving, harmonious, and drama-free relationship. Your emotional well-being depends on the loyal and regular emotional nourishment and support of loved ones. You may even measure your own success in life by your intimate relationships and the amount of loyalty and devotion you receive. You can go to great lengths to find romance if you are single or your marriage is unsatisfying. You may try to fill the gap with one-night stands and affairs but eventually, this fails to satisfy your ceaseless need for love and affection. You are socially popular, charming, and very attractive. You are a beautiful person and love being surrounded by fine things. You aspire to be well off and to live a simple life of comfort and ease. You should enjoy the company of a wide circle of friends and have plenty of admirers. Moon square/opposition Mars: Your child has an insatiable need to meet their desires, and have are emotionally attached to everything they want or need. This is great for providing the fighting spirit to succeed but can make them obstinate and short tempered. Children with this placement have a tendency to overreact. They are extremely passionate & are not afraid to express themselves openly. These children need to be taught how to calm their impulses & be less forceful and demanding, this will help them be more successful in life Moon Square/opposition Jupiter: Your child has difficulty uniting their sensitive feelings and emotions with their impulse to expand and manifest potential. Their two sets of inner messages either conflict or fail to combine, which makes them reduce purpose & motivation. For example, they may possess creative ability, yet fail to demonstrate this tangibly due to not making sufficient effort to develop latent talent. Your child tends to resist hard work, and can display a lazy, apathetic attitude at times, especially if they have little interest in the work to be done. This attitude could have grown from the parents who served & overindulged in their child, or made them feel special & perhaps encouraged a belief that the world will be their to pick them up when they fall. Moon square/opposition Saturn: This child is mature for their age. This child does not like to show the fragile side of their character, they like to appear strong, capable and independent. Their suppressed needs will very often come out as incapacitating illness or depression, that way they can get the care they feel they don’t deserve to ask for. This child may have experienced their parents as quite critical, so this is what stops them from expressing their more needy emotions. They can also find it hard to be spontaneous, but they are excellent planners. The opposition especially, tends to attract wayward and irresponsable friends that they feel like they have to parent. Moon square/opposition Uranus: The mother plays an eccentric role in this child’s life. The moon symbolizes the mother & how she reacts to life, and her reactions inspire her child to react & develop a response to all life situations. Uranus symbolizes the behavior patterns of a generation, as well as we handle ourselves with others. This aspect shows a child who is apt to abruptly end a relationship of any kind, for the mother taught the pattern. This child feels that it's normal to end relationships abruptly, and that it's normal to make relationship decisions before discussing them with the other person. This produces brusque behavior with friends as well as family members. Moon square/opposition Neptune: Children with this aspect in their chart grew up in a family where there was a lack of clear emotional boundaries between the mother (or caregivers) & child. Especially if the aspect is applying (where the Moon is a lesser degree than Neptune. The first years of life are trained with a lack of appropriate boundaries. The child has a tendency to be confused with what belongs to them and what belongs to others emotionally. The child will also have difficulties knowing what it is they feel & what it is they need. There is a tendency to really feel for others, giving great empathy, as well as an excellent capacity to read other people emotionally & understand what others are feeling and thinking. This skill of being able to read people so well could be a blessing or a curse, for some may find it challenging to differentiate if they are feeling their own feelings, or properly reading the feelings of others. Which can sometimes lead to projecting their emotions on to others, adopting other peoples moods, and finding themselves confused with what they are actually experiencing and what they are responsible for. Moon Square/opposition Pluto: Your child needs to develop enough self-confidence to be able to deal with intense emotions without fear. They benefit by learning obedience from love, rather than from fear. The psychological tie to the mother goes very deep. Individuals with this aspect tend to hold onto early childhood conditioning for years to come. Older children with this aspect sometimes feel vulnerable when deep emotional issues are brought up, and may tend to avoid confrontation and self-examination. Painful past memories from childhood can get in the way of healthy adult nrelationships if not resolved.
Moon conjunct Chiron: The moon represents our subconscious emotions & Chiron represents our deepest wound. Chiron’s wisdom says that our most challenging/painful experiences, are the most fruitful, as they are the lessons we learn the most from. When the Moon is Conjunct Chiron in a child’s chart, this child has a difficult time relating to the feminine side of their personality, or there could also be some internal wound concerning the mother (being that the Moon represents the mother). The important early model for relating to the feminine, would of course be the mother (or grandmother), and with this aspect in a child’s chart, it is very likely that they have some painful experience with their own mother, or significant female parental figure. This doesn’t always mean that the child hates their mother, not at all. In fact, the child might even be very close to their mother. But, somehow even if mom wasn’t aware of it, this child’s emotional needs weren’t met, according to whatever it is that the child felt was missing emotionally from their life. This can happen suddenly for example, the child goes to sleep over a friends house & let’s say their friends dog got hit by a car. Your child & their friend run back to the house & the friend runs inside crying to their mom. The mom comforts her child & stroking their shoulders telling them I’m so sorry hunny, everything is going to be alright, just comforting the child saying sweet things and trying to show how much she cares like most mothers would. (Your child may also feel this way from even just watching a scene like this on the television) Now, maybe your comforting style is a little different, let’s say this situation was vice versa, and this happened at your house & your child runs home with their friend & runs inside to tell you the dog got hit by a car. But instead of you rubbing your child’s shoulders, speaking in a sweet gentle voice, saying everything is going to be alright, maybe you are more practical when it comes to your emotions, perhaps it’s hard for you to be affectionate, maybe being gentle makes you feel vulnerable. So let’s say you just look at your child and asks Oh my gosh how?! What happened?! Then maybe you say “I’m so sorry he got hit! That is horrible! Did you see it happen? Did you see who did it?” Etc. This could very well be a prime example of I when this wound first opened. Maybe your child wishes you would comfort them, the way that their friend was comforted. Remember, everybody’s emotional state is different, so in order to help avoid the solemnity of this wound, you could try asking your child as a random question: How would they like you to react if you were ever in this situation, just to see what your child says. Or you could just try to pay attention better when you react in different ways about different things. Does your child stay calm when you react, or do they become defensive, and start questioning why you are reacting this way? It all boils down to being able to bond with the mother in an intimate way. Because this is where this wound starts (in our childhood). This is where your every persons wound first stems from. This child will have serious trouble with being emotionally vulnerable. This child may not feel comfortable being sensitive or showing to much emotion, because they have a big nagging fear of being judged. Perhaps they were judged in a insensitive way when they were in fact being sensitive. This is another way this wound could play out from its roots. This wound can be painful, so it’s best to try to understand what your child needs from you, emotionally. (Just giving it to you real)!