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Common Dreams & My Interpretation of them.

Some dreams are more common than others. It’s not uncommon for people all over the world to have the same types of dream. Most of these dream’s have very specific, yet personal meanings behind them. Sometimes I can’t wait to go home and take a bath to get relaxed so I can lay down & have a good dream, especially after having a long day. I also sometimes just lay down and think very deeply about whatever it is I need answers to, or guidance for in my waking life. If you can lay down in bed, relax & think very deeply about whatever is bothering you, or even something that you're excited about, you can sometimes get answers in your dreams. Your dreams may not always make sense at first, but there's always a meaning behind them. It's just up to you to try and figure the reason out. This is why it's so important to write your dreams down, and try to remember the important details. Details are very important when it comes to understanding the meaning behind a dream. For example, if you dream about a specific person in your life, What does this person mean to you? What feelings come up when you think of this person? These are very important questions to think about when trying to understand the true meaning behind a dream.

When it comes to interpreting MY dreams, the first thing I do is google whatever it was that i dreamed about. For example “Dream about a loved one dying who is alive in real life”. I make sure to be specific when searching for meanings behind a dream. I learned that you have to be specific, or else so many other irrelevant interpretations will pop up, for example “Dream about a loved one who passed away already, but died in my dream all over again”. This is why it helps to be very specific. I also read interpretations from several different websites, to try and get a better understanding and learn different viewpoints. Then, I will re-examine my own dream, and think about what is going on in my life at this specific moment in time, then try to put the pieces to the puzzle together. I will give a better example below.

Below, I will be writing about some of the most common dreams that I’ve personally dreamt about, The search bar interpretations, and last but not least, my own personal interpretation of each specific dream.

Feel free to leave feedback. Feedback is very much welcomed, as it motivates me to want to continue writing. If you have a specific dream that is not on this list, that you would like me to try and interpret, Please leave a comment, and I will get back to you! Thank you for reading!

Common D R E A M S:

Falling Off A Cliff:

Google’s interpretation: If the cliff dream features you or someone falling off a cliff accidentally, it means that you are going through a difficult time, and are afraid of what is ahead of you. To hang on the cliff in fear of falling, suggests that you are near, or have completely lost the balance of your life.

My Dream: I’ve had this dream a couple different times throughout one month. Each time it was a little different. The main dream I had was that I was standing on the edge of a cliff and I jumped as if I were going to do a “belly flop”.

My interpretation: Around the time I had this dream, I was going through a lot (especially when it came to my mental health). I was being criticized by a loved one, about everything that I do wrong. I never heard anything positive about myself coming from this specific individual. It was mentally draining for me. My self confidence was deteriorating, My ego was bruised, and I felt as if I couldn’t do anything right in this person’s eyes. I hated the way I was being viewed by this person. So my interpretation for my own dream, is that falling off a cliff symbolizes “falling into depression”. Losing control of certain parts of your life. Diving into the unknown. Being pressured to do something you don’t want to do, or feeling pressured to act a certain way, that just isn’t you. Being forced to put on a mask and perform (be fake).

Teeth Falling Out: Google’s interpretation: Has to do with a deep personal loss which can be related to the death of a loved one, loss of marriage or relationship, loss of a job, or losing a home. There is also a belief in some religions that dreaming a tooth fell out can mean there is about to be a death in the family.

My Dream: I had a dream that both of my front teeth fell out, and I was walking around with my hand in front of my mouth all the time, trying to cover it up.

My interpretation: Teeth can symbolize anxiety. Stress of the daily grind. Broken or chipped teeth- metaphor for feeling worn out or nervous. Crumbling teeth- Something in life is falling apart. Losing all teeth- Feeling lost in life, losing direction. Losing a Molar- Molars are deeply embedded in the mouth, this dream could mean losing someone who is deeply involved in your life, someone you care about immensely.

Loved one Dying:

Google’s interpretation: Could mean that there is something wrong with your relationship with this person. Seeing them dead can be interpreted as your fear of losing them, or scared they will leave you. If the dream is about a friend or someone in your family, you may need to reassess your relationship with them. Such dreams could also indicate that you need to take steps to communicate more with them, or spend more time with them in order to re-establish the strong bond that you once shared (which is now dying or decaying).

My Dream: I had two different dreams, of two different people that are close to me. The first one was about my grandmother (who is still very much alive). (By the way, my grandparents raised me for those of you that dont know me, so they are both VERY important people in my life, and I consider them my parents) This was a very emotional dream for me. My dream took place in one of the old houses we all lived in together (The last house that we all lived in together, before I moved into my own place) anyways, the dream took place in our old house, I walked inside to the back porch & I saw my grandfather sobbing over the railing, just broken down crying his eyes out. I said “what's wrong papa?” (papa hardly ever cries) He said “Nanas gone!” I officially lost it, I started crying in real life, then woke up. It felt so real & I was so scared after this dream.

During this time in my life (when I had this dream) I was doing bad things in my waking life. I was battling addiction, not being a good person, and behaving in ways that my grandmother would most definitely disapprove of.

The second dream I had was about my boyfriend. I dreamed that I saw an accident on the highway, and I pulled over because it looked like my boyfriend's car. I walked up to the “do not cross lines” and asked the officer if the person in the car was my boyfriend, because it looks like his car, after telling him my boyfriend's name, the officer said yes mam’ the person who was in this car, is in fact your boyfriend. I started freaking out saying is he ok?!?!? He replied in a nonchalant tone “ no mam’ I’m sorry, your boyfriend didn’t make it.” I also woke up crying from this dream as well. During this time in my life, I was feeling very insecure about my relationship with my boyfriend. I felt like he wasn’t interested in me anymore. I kind of felt like he had this secret plan on leaving me, like he was little by little packing up his stuff and slowly but surely would just move out and be gone without saying a word. This is just what my gut was telling me & what I was thinking in my head around the time I had this dream.

My Interpretation: If you dream that your parent(s) died, Maybe you are doing things in your real life that you know this specific person would disapprove of. Such as sex before marraige, Dating the wrong person, Doing drugs, Etc. Something that you might say would “kill your parents, if they ever found out what it is that you’ve been doing. If you dream that your partner died, Maybe this is a sign that your relationship is toxic & the ending of the relationship is coming soon. On a more positive note, maybe it was so you could fee these real raw feelings in your dream, how it would feel if you really lost your partner (if he were to really die) To kind of in a way, show you how much you truly care about this person, and to maybe learn how to live in the moment and appreciate them more while they are actually here with you in real life.

Giving Birth:

Google’s Interpretation: To dream that you are the one giving birth, it can mean that you will have new beginnings. You will be content in both your private life, and business life. The things that you craved so much, could finally be yours. Maybe a promotion, Wedding, anything positive that could happen to you. If you aren't happy in your current job, you could get a promotion that you won’t be able to decline.

My Dream: I once had a dream that I gave birth on my bed to a beautiful baby boy. It felt so real & so beautiful I woke up literally patting around my bed, looking for my new baby wondering where the hell he went LOL!

My interpretation: I’ve had this dream a couple different times. Two times I had it, I really was pregnant in real life. I found out a short time after the dream took place. The other time I had a dream I was giving birth, I got a new job. I think the giving birth dream symbolizes most definitely new beginnings, whether your dream is telling you you're pregnant, or if you're going to get a new job, either way you think about it, these both boil down to one thing: A new beginning! Could be a new relationship, new job, new personality traits, or a new opportunity.

Childhood Home:

Google’s Interpretation: The reasons for having these dreams vary. They often have something to do with some subconscious content that we need to confront and deal with for good. Our childhood is the period of our lives when we develop most of our personality traits that help shape us into the person we will most likely be for the rest of our life. Childhood for many people is the most carefree and innocent period in life, a period when they felt the most secure and protected.

My Dream: I have dreams quite often that take place in old homes I used to live in while growing up. Most of them take place in the house I lived in the longest during my childhood, the house I’ve had the most memories in. When I have these dreams, I know it's important to take note of how I was feeling in these particular dreams. For the most part, in almost every dream I’ve ever had that took place in my childhood home, I was happy, doing things that I already have done in that home, for example, running around my front lawn, hula hooping, climbing the fence, catching lightning bugs, etc.

My interpretation: This dream is a way of re-visiting the past, exploring the roots of who you are now & where you are in life. A childhood home can be a way of pointing out to where certain habits or patterns started from, that are relevant right now in real life. What feelings come up when you think about your childhood home? For some, it's a place of great comfort. For others, it's a source of unresolved personal issues. People starting a family may have this dream as a way of thinking about the environment that they want to create for themselves, or maybe an environment they want to avoid creating. When I had this dream once, in my waking life, I was having some serious communication issues with my partner about how to raise my children. He didn't agree with my ways of disciplining them, and he said I was too easy going on my kids. Basically saying I was a pushover. I would get defensive & tell him that me and him had very different upbringings. In a way, we agreed to disagree, My grandmother was too easy going with me when I was growing up & I believe this is why I had this dream, to show me that it’s not always a bad thing when someone criticizes the way you do certain things. Sometimes it can be beneficial on your behalf.

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