I lie cheat and steal. I’ll lie straight to your face & brag about how I always keep it real.
I’ll steal some of your money & some of your stash & when you accuse me — watch how I react.
I’ll come home after a long night of cheating then accuse you of doing the same.
Even though I’m the guilty one, I need someone else to blame.
I’ll point out all of your flaws & correct you when you speak & if that gets you mad, I won’t speak to you for a week.
I’ll walk past you and ignore you right in your own home, & tell you I’m going for a walk when I need to sneak off on my phone.
But you always must tell me what you are up to, because the rules that apply to me, most definitely don’t apply to you.
I’ll brag about how everybody loves me & tell you how you are bitter
I like to get under your skin — and stay there like a splinter
I’ll test you over and over until you explode and give me a reaction
seeing how much control I have over you— gives me immense satisfaction
sometimes I’ll even make things up about you— just to see what you’ll say
to me, your just a game — that I’m always gonna play
I will always criticize you for the way you talk, how you dress, all the way down to your friends
I’ll shout at you and call you names in public and I don’t care who it offends
nobody here can save you — did you really think somebody would?
I told you I’m untouchable — everyone knows that I’m from the hood
what are you gonna do now that you see everyone will always take my side?
be a little girl like always— go ahead— run and hide—— go sit in your car like a baby—go cry
and if you leave— just know I have eyes all over watching everywhere you go
nothing will ever get past me —anything you do I will always know
I’ll use manipulative tactics that I think you know nothing about—
you will never one-up me because I won’t stop till your burnt out
I’ll feed your mind with toxic words I’ll call you a slut and a whore
I’ll keep going and going on and on for hours until you can’t take it anymore
I’ll tell your kids lies about you — right in front of you just to see if they’ll believe
of course they’ll listen to me — like mother like son—so gullible and naive
ill have everyone in the house walking on eggshells
I’ll make everyone feel like they can’t be themselves
I’ll intimidate you and make you FEAR me — as if I’m the devil himself..
& I will turn any and everyone against you — if you dare to ask for help!
There is no escaping me I’m here to stay FOREVER. What makes you even THINK— you could find somebody BETTER?
Nobody will ever love you, or care for you like this— I’ll butter you up with words, That I know you can’t resist.
I’m not that bad of a person, geez— you act like Ive beaten you with my fists!
words are just words—so I can’t see how your hurting — & that’s because I’m a narcissist.
thanks for reading. Let me know what you think? If you've been through something similar, leave a comment. Or if you know someone who is suffering from being with a narcissists, share this with them!