Karma simply means action

The laws of Karma are all about the positive or negative valence of our words thoughts and actions.
While reading about the laws of Karma, sit and think about how you've previously seen these laws come into play in your own life.
The 12 Laws of Karma:
1. The Great Law AKA The law of cause and effect. "Whatever we put out in the universe, will come back to us". The law of cause and effect means whatever you give out is also what you will receive, no matter if good or bad. So if it's love that you want, be loving. If you want a boost in finances, be generous. Being generous doesn't always mean splurging money that you don't have. Some samples of being generous are holding the door for the person behind you at the store, helping somebody that's lost by offering directions, giving somebody a ride, offering real honest advice.
2. The law of creation: "Life does not happen by itself, we have to make it happen." According to the law of creation, we need to be active participants in our lives if we want to get what we desire. We can't simply just sit around and wait for the things we long for to just fall in our lap cause we asked for it. That is not how it works.
3. The law of Humility: "We must first accept something, before we can change it". Out of the 12 Laws of Karma, Buddhism emphasizes the importance of the law of Humility. The thing to remember about this rule is that you need to accept the true reality of something before you'll ever be able to change it. Example: If your constantly blaming others for problems that you've created, or if you always see someone who disagrees with you as an idiot, you are the one who is out of step with reality. Therefore, you will find it very hard to make the shifts you need. Self reflection can help you make the best of law of Humility.
4. The law of Growth: "By changing ourselves, we change our lives". As the famous quote goes"Wherever you go, there you are". The message here is that you need to start change within yourself before you can ever expect to see a change in the world (better yet the people who surround you). Ultimately, you only have control over yourself. Therefore, it is all about how you use this control that will shape how the universe will respond to you.
5. The law of Responsibility: "We are responsible for what happens in our lives". In other words, What is happening around you is simply a mirror for what is happening within you. That is the sense in which you are responsible for all of your own personal life experiences, whether good or bad. That is entirely up to you to decide.
6. The law of Connection: "The Past, the Present, and the Future are all connected". This law emphasizes the interconnected nature of the past, present and future, and reminds us that our control over the present and future can help us to rid the bad energy of the past. (Whether that is from our current life or a previous life).
7. The law of Focus: "We cannot think of two different things at the same time". According to the law of focus, you will do better in life if you can follow one single train of thought to the exclusion of others. When our minds are filled with too many thoughts or stresses, we more than likely will not follow through with not equipped to follow through multiple thoughts
8. The law of Giving and Hospitality: "If you believe something to be true, then sometime in your life you will be called upon to demonstrate that particular truth". This suggests and encourages the importance of ensuring that your actions reflect your deepest beliefs.
9. The law of Here and Now: "Looking backwards to examine what used to be, prevents us from being totally in the here and now". If you cling too hard to past feelings, experiences, and beliefs, you will always have one foot in the past. As well as if you focus on anxiety or on greed, you will always have one foot in the future.
10. The law of Change: "History will repeat itself until we learn the lessons needed to change our path". If you notice yourself stuck in a loop, this is because there is something crucial that has not yet been addressed.
11. The law of Patience and Reward: “True joy comes from doing what one is supposed to be doing and knowing that the reward will come in its own time.” All rewards require effort in the beginning. The greatest reward is that which demands the most dedication, patience and persistence. Love of our place in the world rewards our effort in its good time, when we have learned the importance of these values.
12. The law of Significance and Inspiration:
“One gets back from something whatever they put into it.” The value of something is the direct result of the energy and intention that you put into it. Every personal contribution is also a contribution to the totality. Mediocre contributions have no impact on the totality; they cancel each other out. Putting your whole heart into each act will obtain the necessary value.
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