What are aspects in astrology? Aspects are the relationship between two planets energies and how they work together in a birth chart. There are 5 major aspects & 4 minor aspects. The major aspects are the conjunction, opposition, square, trine, and sextile. The minor aspects are the semi-square, the semi-sextile, the quincunx or inconjunct, and the quintile. Astrology is based upon mathematics. Once you understand the simple arithmetic needed to identify certain astrological patters, it will be much easier to blend the intuitive right-brain mode used for interpretation with the analytical left-brain mode. With this in mind, lets take a look at the aspects. If you visualize each sign as a slice of pie, imagine that each slice or sign, takes up 30 degrees of space or arc. There are 60 minutes in each degree. When you look at your chart, you will see that the Sun is located not only in a sign but also measured in degrees of that sign. I'll use my chart for an example. In my chart, my Sun sign sign is 7 degrees 3 minutes of Scorpio or 7'03 in my birth chart.
Aspect: Orb Of Measurement: Symbol:
Conjunction 0-10 degrees apart ☌
Opposition 180 degrees apart ☍
Square 90 degrees apart □
Trine 120 degrees apart △
Sextile 60 degrees apart ⚹
Quincunx(inconjunct) 150 degrees apart ⚻
Semi-square 45 degrees apart <
Semi-sextile 30 degrees apart ⚺
Quintile 72 degrees apart Q
Here is a copy of my birth chart to use for a reference:

The Major Aspects:
Conjunction ( ☌ ): The Conjunction (0-10°) is the strongest aspect in any chart. A Conjunction is mostly a harmonious aspect depending on the planets involved & how close the aspect is. In the conjunction, the energies of the planets involved are blended together and work together as a single source of power. When the conjunction is with planets that are at home with each other, the result is beneficial; when the conjunction is with planets that are averse, then the effects can be difficult. For example, a conjunction between Jupiter and Venus doubles the luck and beneficial nature of each planet. If Venus (Libra or Taurus) and Jupiter (Sagittarius or Taurus) are also in strong signs, then the planets energies are even further enhanced. A conjunction between Mars and Uranus can give the person a great amount of physical energy, even genius, but it gives an explosive temper and a tendency toward self defeating actions. When more than two planets are conjunct in the same sign, this is called a stellium. Another important thing to note is that it is also possible for two planets to be conjunct in different signs. If a planet is at the end of the signs arc, for example, at 25 degrees of one sign, and there is another planet at 2 degrees of the next sign, these planets are conjunct. An example, 25Leo42 is Conjunct 2Virgo15. This is called an out of sign conjunction. There is a blending of Leo and Virgo energy for these planets.
Opposition ( ☍ ): The opposition (180°) is generally regarded as "disharmonious" or dynamic, it often has quite a motivating and energizing effect. The quality of this aspect depends on the planets involved. An Opposition between two planets creates tension between them, often with positive results. Planets in Opposition (Opposition=Opposite) will appear directly across from each other in the birth chart (1st house-7th house & 2nd house-8th house, etc.). This aspect indicates a situation in which one must cooperate with others or break with them. It creates tension leading to frustration, though objectivity can lead to a delicate balancing of opposites. These two planets involved must learn to work together. Resolving tension is helped by compromising between the two energies, otherwise they bounce back and forth, competing for center stage in your life. Compromise can be achieved by accepting that the two are part of a whole.
Square ( □ ): The square (90°) aspect implies restrictions and challenges. The square is regarded as a disharmonious aspect. The planets involved seem to be "blocked" from understanding how to work with each other. The difficulty lies in trying to reconcile two forces that are trying to move in completely different directions. It is a dynamic aspect since the challenges pressure you to work on the issues represented by the planets involved. Planets in square are at cross-purposes. They are in conflict that leads to irritation; achievement is delayed, though patience & hard work can lead to success through interrogation of the two principles. The planets and houses involved will point out the areas in the individuals life where adjustments need to be made. The individual must put in tremendous effort to gain from this aspect.
Trine ( △ ): The trine (120°) is a harmonious aspect that shows where our natural talents lie, whether we actually make use of them or not is up to us. This is considered the most fortunate of aspects. The trine represents easy flowing energy between the planets involved, bringing luck, opportunities, and innate creative talents. However, the trine can sometimes be taken for granted, and the talents left unexpressed. This aspect is also thought to bring about laziness in whichever area it aspects as well. But more often than not, the trine aspect tends to manifest the most pleasant potential of the planets involved.
Sextile ( ⚹ ): The sextile aspect (60°) tends to have a harmonious effect and it represents an easy flow of opportunities or ideas that, if acted upon, will help realize the individuals goals. It can also indicate personal talent in the individual. The planets involved collaborate well and work comfortably together. However, while this is traditionally a positive aspect, it is not dynamic. This aspect is rather passive, and it does not necessarily bring an impetus to do anything. The sextile aspect can be characterized as a lack of friction. The main reason that its considered to be positive is that it will not disrupt anything. This is usually pleasant, but can sometimes go unnoticed.
The Minor Aspects:
Quincunx/inconjunct ( ⚻ ): The quincunx aspect (150°) suggests a need for adjustment or a change of attitude. The two planets involved share nothing in common, so it is a very hard aspect to integrate into our being. The only way of changing the dynamic of this aspect is to trust one’s inner voice or intuition so that one can lead into a journey of transformation and integration. This is the “I should have” aspect. It is an important aspect in Medical Astrology.
Semi-square ( < ): The semi-square aspect (45°) causes friction, minor stress, or tension between the 2 planets that are involved. It is a different kind of tension from a square, because there may be less awareness or concern. This aspect is used a lot in Mundane Astrology.
Semi-sextile ( ⚺ ): The semi-sextile (30°) is a minor aspect, which has less impact then a sextile. The two planetary energies are linked but they affect each other indirectly. It can convey a lack of ease and may influence the development of your interests. It has the ability to make you conscious of your inherited traits. It is an aspect of completion as well, so that you may finish something that has been started by a parent or other family member.
Quintile ( Q ): The quintile (72°) planetary energies link you to your inner and outer being by using your inborn talents and insights. This aspect is used a lot in Karmic and Spiritual astrology.