Mars in the birth chart shows what gets us fired up, what makes us tick, than explode. What makes us angry 😡! Wanna know what will make someone’s blood boil? Look at their Mars sign & the house it rests in. The sign it’s in will show how they express their anger, and the house it lies in will show the area of their life that they will protect & defend with all of their might! Mars also represents the way we express our more passionate side (in the sheets). How we get freaky, our likes & dislikes in the bed, turn ons & turn offs, etc. Read on to find out more about your Mars sign, be sure to read the sign of the house your Mars lies in. For instance, If you have Mars in Scorpio in the 6th house, read Mars in Scorpio & Mars in Virgo (because Virgo rules the 6th house) because more likely than not, they will both apply to you.
Mars in Aries: Mars loves to be in fire signs & likes to show how strong it is- especially when in the sign of Aries, because Mars naturally rules Aries. Mars in Aries people have a short fuse & a quick temper. They are easily angered, but they usually get over things just as quickly as it took them to get mad in the first place. These people have a huge, unmanageable amount of energy. If their chart isn’t overpowered by any introverted energies, then they probably aren’t troubled by things that would trouble most other people. This lets them continue doing things without being disrupted by different pros and cons. Mars in Aries people need some type of psychical outlet to let their fiery energy out in a healthy way, such as boxing, karate, sports, or even just going to the gym. These people need to stay physically active, otherwise they will be overwhelmed, agitated, and continuously on edge- which will ultimately make them easy to provoke or anger. These people are not scared to psychically confront someone, in other words they aren’t scared to punch someone in the face (this also of course depends on the house Mars is in, and aspects to Mars & other placements in a chart could overpower this placement). But for the most part, those with Mars in Aries like to show people why they are right, rather than talk about it or argue. They will always let their anger out psychically. Whether that be by punching walls, punching an actual person, or by doing something psychical like going to the gym to let it out. Mars in Aries people also get defensive pretty easily, as they always want to be right & always want to be the one in charge, unless they respect the person they are having a disagreement with, then they are more likely to stay calm & be less defensive.
Mars in Taurus: Mars in Taurus people are stubborn and calculated. People who have mars in Taurus are generally easy going and slow to anger. However, that doesn’t mean that they are soft. When a Mars in Taurus person is in an argument, and it starts getting out of hand, their display of outrage can be quite impressive and totally unexpected. Mars in Taurus people can get pretty crazy when they are really mad, because they like to stay calm and cool but remember that Scorpio is their opposite sign, and opposites aren’t always as different as they may seem at first. They may be cool and calm, but they once that switch goes off in their head, they go 0-100, real quick. Mars in Taurus people tend to be slower and more methodical than other Mars signs, however, they always manage to finish what they start. They don’t go diving head first into things without thinking them through first. They always think of how something is going to effect them in the long run. Mars in Taurus people lack energy and vigor, but their determination makes up for it.
Mars in Gemini: Mars in Gemini people use their words as a lethal weapon. People with their Mars in Gemini tend to use snarky remarks when angered. Mars in Gemini people need to get everything off their chest in any verbal disagreements they may have. In fact, mental debates are Mars in Gemini’s specialty. These people rely their sharp wit & hasty words to win arguments. In general, they are very talkative— sometimes they talk TOO MUCH. Some can also be reserved, and get chatty mostly when they are worked up about something. These are the type of people that say the first thing that comes to mind when angry— there is no thinking involved. Mercury is Gemini’s ruler, the planet of communication. That is why Gemini is considered to be quick talkers- because they speak before fully thinking through what it is they are saying. Not thinking about the consequences that can come along with the insensitive words they are saying to someone. They are the type of people that makes other people look at each other and think "Did he really just say that!?". Mars in Gemini people tend to get bored very easily & they need to keep their mind stimulated all the time. This also comes with the tendency of taking on too many tasks at once because their concentration is easily broken by new things. They always seem to be pulled in two different directions (Gemini’s symbol is the twins). Mars in Gemini people can appear to have two different personalities. They possess the energy of more than one person, with that being said— it’s not easy for these people to sit still & if they are forced to do so, they can become depressed.
Mars in Cancer: Those who have Mars in Cancer have an attractive and soothing calm strength about them. They are usually non-confrontational, BUT.. they can be bold and fearless if they feel threatened. If someone messes with their family, forget about it! This is the best way to get a reaction from a Cancer Mars. They're protective and care deeply for what and who they love, and are not afraid to fight back against injustice, they do not play around when someone is being treated unfairly. These people are probably more protective of others, rather than themselves. When stressed, angry or hurt, they react impulsively. When they are happy, they act with tremendous confidence. Those with Mars in Cancer should take care not to stay in their head too much, because when they do this they become entirely withdrawn. When they are threatened by indifference, they can become petty, argumentative, and manipulative af. However, they tend to shy away from direct confrontations, and typically react in a passive-aggressive manner by saying and doing little subliminal things in hopes that will get their message across. Mars in Cancer people also can suffer from SEVERE mood swings.. I mean, they are ruled by the ever changing moon! These people can move relatively slowly, and indirectly, but can also be unpredictable. The way they take action largely depends on their moods. They are emotionally sensitive individuals and take action based on their emotions and how they are feeling at the time.
Mars in Leo: People who have their Mars in the sign of Leo are diligent, fearless, and independent by nature. They have a sassy attitude & are not afraid to speak their mind. Mars in Leo people have a sense of "honor" and are very confident and almost royal in their approach, when they are involved in a disagreement. This behavior can be intimidating to some, because the way a Mars in Leo person carries themselves in an argument, makes them come off to the other person as if they are automatically right, just based off their confidence alone. Mars in Leo people have well defined ambitions, and they act with authority and power. Their personal magnetism usually gives them the ability to get what they want without putting in much effort. Mars in Leo people do not like being embarrassed & will fly of the handle if they feel they’ve been humiliated they will defend their high principles with honor.
Mars in Virgo: Mars in Virgo people are detail orientated & highly analytical. A lot like Mars in Scorpio, these people pay attention to what makes their opponents tick. Ruled by Mercury, these people are masters at reading peoples body language (Mercury rules all languages- including body language). They know exactly what to say to make someone feel uncomfortable, especially if it’s someone they already know. They are excellent at reading people, some might even be good at knowing what a person is going to say before they even say it. Virgo Mars people are thinkers - which makes them intellectual, they can come across as harsh & insensitive- especially in a verbal disagreement, just like their sister sign Gemini who is also ruled by Mercury. These are the people who are excellent in verbal disputes.. I know a lot of Virgo Mars people & my Scorpio Mars HATES arguing with them. They will bicker non stop & try to kill you all with the power of their mouth and their harsh words, pointing out each and everyone of your faults and flaws. After arguing with a Virgo Mars person, they will have you questioning your own sanity & leave you alone to sink inside of your own head while you question yourself if every harsh thing that they said to you & about you, is really true. In most cases, it is. Because Virgo Mars people will be brave enough to tell you the things that others are scared to bring to your attention. They usually only give their constructive criticism if the person is worthy to them— even if they are having an argument. Otherwise they won’t waste their time usually.
Mars in Libra: Those with Mars in Libra are extremely passive by nature, which means that their drive to get things done and achieve their goals is not as great as Mars is in other signs. They prefer to let things decide themselves & would rather just "go with the flow" instead of exerting their will. I know a few people with Mars in Libra, and one thing I’ve noticed about them is that they need others around them in order to assert themselves, they like to feel like they have "back up". While this will of course depend on the house and aspects, those with Mars in Libra typically feel that they need a partner, group, or family in order to put forward their best selves. They will generally have less drive in traditional areas (such as work, school, etc.) and will have a bigger drive for social interactions.
Mars in Libra is especially interesting, because it’s the exact opposite of what Mars should be. Aries is typically paired with Mars: they have similar qualities as we often think of both being outgoing, bold, and action-driven. Libra is the exact opposite of Aries, so it is the opposite of Mars in many ways as well. While Mars is active and driven, Libra is passive; Mars is brash and blunt, Libra is diplomatic; Mars will pick a fight over anything, but Libra will always find a way to passively fight behind closed doors.
Mars in Scorpio: A Mars in Scorpio person is a person you don’t want as an enemy. These people tend to see right through their opponents, even if they don’t know the person— Scorpio Mars people have an almost psychic understanding when it comes to their opponents weak spots. These people will know exactly what to say or do, that will cut you deep in the jugular. Something to watch out for is when this person is quiet for too long or has a slight change in body language — because it’s not always easy to know when a Scorpio Mars person is even upset or mad, as they tend to pretend like nothing is bothering them. Why they do this? We will probably never know. But I think I have a clue why— one or two reasons. Number one is because sometimes they don’t feel like arguing— but when this happens, you better hope you notice that they ARE mad, because they WILL use this against you on a later date. Number 2 is that they need time to think it over. Sometimes these people don’t lash out right away because they need time to think it over, Scorpio likes to have time & space to process their thoughts and feelings. So when angered, they likely won’t say anything because they need time to think about it, or they need to talk to someone that they trust first for validation or for advice about if the reason why they are mad in the first place is a real VALID reason to be mad— or if it’s even worth bringing it up. A lot of Scorpio Mars people will talk about things that happened last week or last month— that has been bothering them this WHOLE time, but decides to bring it up now! Mars in Scorpio also are good at plotting revenge but they do so in silence. These people have STRONG survival instincts & unlike Mars in Libra people- who want to bring fairness in the world.. Scorpio Mars people already know that life simply isn’t fair.
Mars in Sagittarius: Those with their Mars in Sagittarius are dedicated crusaders for fair play and integrity. Mars in Sagittarius people get furious when confronted with any type of injustice. They will fight their own battles and other peoples battles when it comes to their principles or honors they consider to be important— they will go to extreme lengths sometimes- even when clearly to their own disadvantage. Any kind of threat to these peoples physical or intellectual freedom is like holding up a red flag to a bull. They will react furiously when their own philosophical or moral convictions are being challenged, but are often too self-opinionated to give due respect to other peoples beliefs and viewpoints. Those with Mars in Sagittarius don’t easily make allowances for others’ moral failings and are quick to deliver a self-righteous sermon if anyone breaks an important ‘rule’. These people can make a lot of enemies through their blunt outspokenness and tendency to go over the top with their fiery displays of temper. These people have no problem speaking their mind, and many people aren’t ready to hear what these people have to say. But because they usually fight honorably – and their irresistible sense of fun and humor is very quickly rekindled – it’s hard to stay mad with Mars in Sagittarius people for long.
Mars in Capricorn: People with Mars in Capricorn are orderly and subdued. They like to be in control of their own life. They are determined, but they keep like to keep certain parts of themselves private, especially when it comes to their goals they are extremely low key. Mars in Capricorn people like to stay on top of things in their life. They like to set their goals and focus on achieving them. They are not show offs, but they are most definitely ambitious. They want to be secure, and they will do whatever it takes to create the feeling of security. When a person with a Capricorn Mars gets angry, it is a level-headed, calm & cool type of anger. They have a strong sense of self-control that encompasses all areas of their life, so most of the time they will just fall back from who ever it is that they are disagreeing with. We can’t see eye to eye? Cool. They are the "I’ll cut you out of my life" type. They don’t like to see anything go to waste. They are afraid of letting loose and getting out of control. These people can be materialistic. Mars in Capricorn i people are very what I would call disciplined. They plan for the future, set realistic goals, then do what they have to do to achieve them. They are productive workers who like to see tangible results.
Mars in Aquarius: People with Mars in Aquarius take on the qualities of their ruler, Saturn. Mars in Aquarius strength lies in their ability to detach from themselves, their lack of self-regard, implacability, and indifference. They’re willing to endure pain as long as it hurts you too, like a warrior robot, a Terminator. How do you fight someone who doesn’t care if you hurt them? With Mars in Aquarius, this is someone who is provoked by limitations on their authority and independence and do not yield until the other party meets the demand or otherwise resolves the conflict. In conflicts, there can be a tendency to treat everyone the same way regardless of how close or unfamiliar they are. The sign of Aquarius is concerned with universal equality and justice and the rights of all people. Therefore people with this sign combination tend to use their energy to champion these rights. They will hate to see one group favored over another and will defend those values against embedded and traditional ways of thinking.
Mars in Pisces: People may think that those with Mars in Pisces have their heads in the clouds, these refined and delicate individuals are motivated to action by their dreams, imaginations, or the sight of suffering and have the ability to dance with life. Pisces is likely the most challenging sign placement for Mars. Regardless of their Sun sign, those with Mars in Pisces can seem rudderless at times, and their ability to go with the flow can make them vulnerable to stronger wills. However, once they've learned to trust and use their Mars supercharged Pisces radar, they can successfully go after their dreams. Those with Mars in Pisces live a self-protective lifestyle. They stay in the background observing everything that's happening and only act when they feel the time is right. To put it more simply, they strike when the spirit moves them. These people are highly creative, artistic, imaginative, and ambitious. People with Mars in Pisces often seek careers as actors, artists, musicians, dancers, filmmakers, or photographers. They are also empathetic and compassionate listeners who can excel in jobs that involve helping and serving humankind.
