What you will need for a new moon ritual:
. A white candle (if you don’t have a white one any color is fine, but preferably white because white represents clean energy).
. 2 sheets of paper & a pen.
. A quiet space with absolutely no interruptions. Your mind MUST be clear of any thoughts. If unwanted thoughts start popping up simply ignore them and move forward.
. 1-3 crystals (optional)
. You can also light a sage or incense if you have but this is totally optional as well.
Before you begin, I want you to say this aloud or in your head. But when you say it I need you to BELIEVE IT. Like really mean what your saying. Say it with all of your heart, if necessary you can repeat it until you feel comfortable.
Under the sun, under the moon, I welcome a new beginning that’s just waiting to bloom.
I’m calling on all of my guides to come to my assist
To listen to my prayers and help me manifest my wish
Please give me a nudge and push me on the right path
Please help me to let go of things that are holding me back
I know that I am strong, and I get stronger each and everyday
But if you feel I’m wrong, please show me the way
I am aligned
With my body, soul and mind.
I am one.
Then say this line to yourself in your mind or out loud: (this is to remove any negative energy from your space)
“This space is protected and it is cleansed. All energies that no longer serve me, all energies that do not belong, are now cleared from this space. My space is protected by the power of love and light and is a magnet for joy. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.”
Now what I want you to do is grab 2 sheets of paper
If there is anything you want to get rid of, write it down on the first sheet of paper. Try to keep the list short. (For example if you want to stop thinking about someone you can put their name down, or if you want to get rid of clutter write that down.
1.) Clutter.
2.) negative energy.
3.) negative people.
4.) mental illness.
Then I want you to rip that paper into shreds and say out loud while you rip it up:
“All of these things no longer serve me, I want you out of my life for good. Goodbye!”
Now on the second piece of paper, write down TEN positive affirmations: (this is my example but if you can’t think of anything you’re more than welcome to use mine, but it is better to make this personal).
1.) I posses the qualities needed to become extremely successful.
2.) I have a healthy yet enormous amount of self confidence.
3.) My finances are improving with each day that passes.
4.) My body is healthy; my mind is brilliant my soul is tranquil.
5.) I am superior to negative thoughts and low actions.
6.) I have been given endless talents that I will begin to utilize from this point on.
7.) A river of compassion washes away my anger and replaces it with so much love.
8.) I am guided in my every step by Spirit who leads me towards what I must know and do.
9.) My relationship is becoming stronger, deeper, and more stable each day.
10.) My business is growing, expanding, and thriving.
*one more for good luck*
I am courageous and I stand up for myself.
Once you are done writing them down, read them to yourself either out loud or in your mind. Once again I need you to believe what you are saying about yourself. (Even if they aren’t necessarily true yet, by believing they are, is the first step for helping them actually manifest in your life).
Then say (out loud if possible) this last prayer:
“I manifest all with ease”
If you are using crystals, you can leave the sheet of paper on your table with the crystals on top of it. In a triangular shape. (One on the top and two near the bottom of the page).
If your are not using crystals, you can fold the paper up and put it in your pocketbook/wallet and carry it with you for the rest of the month until the next new moon.