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Poem about karma

I’m sure you’ve heard the saying “what goes around comes around”,

& when she comes she does without warning, you won’t hear a sound.

I heard it’s called karma & people say she’s a bitch.

You’ve done bad? She’ll find you, it’s to late to be fixed.

She’ll make you fall in love with someone that doesn’t give a fuck about you,

Remember the good person in your life & all the chances you blew?

Just think about how bad you hurt them & all the shit you put them through.

Now when karma comes around, your gonna feel it times two!

Even when things are going good in life, don’t forget what you’ve done in your past

You treated the only one that cared about you, like a straight outcast.

You should’ve known better, than to put your number one last,

That’s why the asshole your stuck with now, finally bit you in your ass!

That’s kinda how she works, she teaches you lessons, with hopes that you’ll learn,

When you exhibit a negative force in thought, word or action, get ready for your turn.

Nobody gets missed by karma, you’ll always get what you earned..

So I hope you know now when you play with fire, you’ll always get burned!

As you sow, so shall you reap, also known as the law of cause and effect,

So if you want peace and happiness, you need to behave at your very best.

Just always keep in mind every action has a reaction— nothing more nothing less,

So when you do good you’ll get good, with all due respect.

© 2020 Alexis Haag. All rights reserved.


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