Venus in Virgo
The positives when it comes to dating a Venus in Virgo man:

#1. Loyal & dependable.
Men with Venus in Virgo are incredibly loyal when truly in love. They will always be there to support their partner especially during difficult times! They are quick to offer a helping hand, in anyway they can be of service to help out their loved one. For example, the Venus in Virgos partner injures them self at work & breaks a leg, the Venus in Virgo man will literally do everything for them until they are able to get back on their feet (in this case-literally. They will wash them up in the shower, cook them dinner, prop their partners foot up on a pillow to make sure it’s elevated, they will help them change their clothes.. etc.
#2 They will help you get your shit together & help you organize all aspects of your life.
They can bring order to chaos. Venus in Virgo loves a good “fixer upper”🤣, no but seriously.. they do! They hate seeing potential go to waste. They will help you figure out what you want to do with your life by pointing out your strengths & weaknesses. They will criticize you & let you know when your slacking. They only do this because they know you can do better. Remember that when they do this, they aren’t trying to hurt you, they are genuinely trying to help. Once you figure out your purpose, they’ll help you make a list of goals & then inspire you to achieve them & be there every step of the way (just incase you might need their help). Virgo Venus may very well not even have their own shit together, but they are awesome at pushing others to be the best that they can be.
#3 Attentive. Virgo may not be the most passionate lover, but they do pay attention to detail. Virgo men know what you like! In fact, they probably know what you like, more than you even know what you like! (this can of course be positive or negative, highly depending on how evolved the Virgo man is). Virgo men have a knack for paying attention to their partners like & dislikes. They pay special attention to body language and energy shifts. The Virgo man wants to know their partner in and out. This is also how the Virgo man shows his affection, and shows that he cares by remembering the smallest details about their partner.
#4 Dedicated. Venus in Virgo men are not the flirtatious type, they are pretty straight forward. They are willing to work through problems in a relationship, and get to the source, then come up with a solution. They are not the type to leave when things get rough. In his mind, he’s not going to just throw something away that he worked so hard to build & get right. He is very loyal and dedicated when in love, and loves to do little things for his partner, such as filling the gas tank up, cleaning the car out, doing the dishes, etc. But the one secret about the Virgo man, is that he wants to feel like he is needed. If he doesn’t feel needed, he will start resending his partner, and the relationship won’t last. When the Virgo man knows that his efforts are being valued, he will operate at his best, and then turn into one of those gifts that just keeps on giving.
#5 Straightforward. Venus in Virgo men are pretty straight up (especially if they have more planets in Virgo) & will usually let you know right away if something is bothering them, or if you did something that they don’t like. They are definitely not the type to hold their feelings inside. Generally for them, straightforward is best, and he expects the same in return from his partner. The more honest his partner is, the more he respects her. Venus in Virgo men are emotionally sensitive and they have a natural ability to pick up on emotional undertones that have developed from unspoken words. The Venus in Virgo man needs his own space to be able to think clearly before a situation develops.
He is very perceptive and will shy away if chased, or concludes that he may be being used in some way. He will always keep his eyes open, even if he trusts you because he has to make sure he is not going to be hurt emotionally in the future. Once that trust is 100% (which may take a while) he can be one of the most loyal & dedicated lovers!