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Saturn Conjunct Pluto in January 2020 & its affect on the human race/politics/social media.

I believe that everything negative that has happened in the year 2020, has happened for a reason. (As I believe EVERYTHING always happens for a reason). But if you look to the stars, they most definitely will tell the story. Astrologers have long been predicting that 2020 would be a year of deep transformation & upheaval of the status quo. Although few could have imagined the sheer scale and speed of what's happening with the coronavirus, the signs were certainly in the stars amongst the astrological community. For those who don’t know much about astrology, I'll start by saying this, astrology is definitely something worth looking into when it comes to catastrophic, disastrous worldwide events. If we look to the stars, we can all start to get a better understanding of all the different planetary movements/alignments. Once we start understanding how these different aspects affect us here on earth, we can learn how to predict what might happen next (Which is something Astrologers have been doing since Ancient times).

In the beginning of the new year (to be exact) on January 12 2020, we had a rare astronomical event that only occurs once, about every 33-38 years. On this day, Saturn and Pluto aligned side by side (both at the time were in the sign of Capricorn), in astrology this is called a conjunction. A conjunction is the aspect (special angle) where two or more planets are at almost the same position in the Zodiac. A conjunction is also the strongest out of all the different aspects, and in many cases it's the most difficult one to interpret and understand. The classical astrological meaning of a conjunction is that the powers of the planets involved merge, so that their characters mix and form a new character. It can also be described as a fusion. If two planets are joined in a conjunction, they do astrologically become sort of a new planet, with its own distinct traits. The closer the conjunction is, the more this transformation is true.

For those who don’t know what each planet represents, I'll break it down for you in easier terms. Planet Saturn (which is Capricorn's ruling planet) being the furthest planet from the sun, represents the energy of structure, family traditions, limitations, discipline, responsibility, authority figures, and organization. In astrology, Planet Saturn constricts as compared to Jupiter that expands. It is linked to authority figures such as fathers for it sets rules, discipline regulations and limitations. Saturn, by setting these rules allows individuals to understand the world better so that we as one can grow together successfully.

Planet Pluto (Scorpios ruling planet) represents the energy of death & rebirth, how we transform, everything that lies beneath the surface, subconscious forces, endings & beginnings, obsessions, self destructiveness, power struggles and control.

When these two energies are combined, this meeting of forces represents among other things, the redistribution of power in the world. From a spiritual perspective, this cycle will determine who is most qualified to be the custodian of resources, and who will be in a position of power. In its purest form, this cycle is one of the biggest tests of integrity and morality for those in authority (politics, presidential candidates) all of the things we are seeing on tv right now.

I’d also like to add that this has so much more to do with politics. The government is controlling so many people's lives through social media alone (which so many people are turning to, especially in this time of uncertainty). Many don’t know who to believe or who they can trust, but the truth is, you can’t trust anything on social media. Social media is literally a platform used to collect data from its users, to make money off of the things people are interested in. For example, Gen-z (those born after 1996 or so) are the first generation in history that got on social media in middle school. How do kids nowadays spend their time? They come home from school and they jump on their phones or their gaming system. This whole generation is more anxious, fragile, more depressed, they are much less likely to take risks. The rates for getting drivers licenses have dropped, the numbers for going out on a date or having any type of romantic interaction has dropped RAPIDLY. This is a real change in a generation. These services are killing people & causing people to kill themselves. No parent wants their children to grow up feeling manipulated by social media, making it nearly impossible for children to focus on anything other than social platforms, impossible to focus on homework, children trying to live up to unrealistic beauty standards. Back in the day, there was far more protection, we didn’t have a NEWS FEED to scroll up and down, post our thoughts & see who approves and who disapproves of our posts. Social media is literally a digital pacifier for this generation, a temporary cure for feeling alone. A lot of people have no idea what type of information/data these social media platforms are gathering from each and everyone of us who own a smartphone. Every single time you pick your phone up & type something in, whether on google, Facebook, Twitter, etc. your phone is collecting information about your interests, then it takes the info collected to create your newsfeed, so that now when you refresh your newsfeed, it's going to only show the topics that interest you. Jaron Lanier, the founding father of virtual reality computer scientist stated “One of the ways I try to get people to understand just how wrong feeds from places like Facebook are is to think about Wikipedia, when you go to a Wikipedia page you are seeing the same things as other people so it's one of the few things online that we at least hold in common. Now just imagine for a second that Wikipedia said we're going to give each person a different customized definition, and we are going to be paid by people for that. So Wikipedia would be spying on you, and would calculate, what's the thing I can do to get this person to change a little bit on behalf of some commercial interest? Right, and then it would change the entry. Can you imagine that? Well you should be able too, because that's exactly what's happening on Facebook, exactly what's happening on your YouTube feed”.

Now moving back to Saturn conjunct Pluto, this is what this conjunction is doing. Saturn does not like how we are living our lives day by day. People are too focused on the wrong things. People don’t even know the true meaning of life, they show no interest in understanding where we came from, and what our purpose is here on earth, so Saturn & Pluto's energies are here to make a real world-wide positive change, whether you like it or not. These energies are powerful when mixed together. Saturn & Pluto came within 3 degrees of each other earlier in 2019 & by January 12th 2020 they conjunct at the same exact degree. Historically, the lead up to this conjunction has been very challenging, as pressure is mounted on borders and boundaries, as well as established structures and systems (Saturn), to make the necessary changes (Pluto). But what we initially see when systems are threatened is a tightening up of control; as the government tries to remain orderly, whether this is governments or systems that are faltering, or in our own lives when we feel the pressure to change. The year 2020 is a year of reform, but this is only the beginning of a process that has taken years to get to this point. The last three occasions Saturn and Pluto’s energies came together were times of great upheaval on the planet. The last time this occurred was in 1982 when they met up in Libra, the Saturn-Pluto conjunction saw a reset in the financial markets & a short but critical recession leading up to the exact conjunction in November. This conjunction also saw the beginning of the AIDS epidemic and fears of its impact on humanity. The conjunction occurred in Libra (which represents sex & money). Also in 1982, the Falklands War and Canada gained full political independence from the United Kingdom. In 1947, the conjunction saw the reshaping of many parts of the world, a ‘New World Order’, with the formation of Israel and the breaking up of India and Pakistan. Which tensions are rising once again during the current conjunction that happened in January 2020. 1947 also saw the first year of a cold war between the Soviet Union and the US, while the Roswell incident broke other extra-terrestrial boundaries. Last but not least in 1914, World War 1 began in the months prior to their conjunction; an indication that the run up to this powerful configuration is far more challenging than the separation.

I believe that the Saturn-Pluto conjunction means that we need to readdress our relationship with wealth and materialism. Change the habit of what we are willing to sacrifice to make a quick dollar, being their for each other and making sure our neighbors don't starve, and to find a way to survive without unnecessary materialistic items. Remember, life without change isn't life at all.


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© 2020 by Mystik Minerva

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