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Sun in the houses

The Sun's (house) position shows us what area our personalities shine most. The areas of life associated with the house it occupies reveal the types of experiences that will contribute to our sense individuality and that shape our sense of pride. These areas are ones in which we seek to express and focus our Sun signs qualities.

To find out which Planets/Houses occupy your birth chart, I recommend using this website:

Once you get to the website, click on "free horoscopes". Then if you scroll down, it will say "Birth chart Report - enter your birth data". So enter all the info it asks for, which is your Name, DOB, Exact time of birth (should be on your birth certificate) and start typing your birth city & wait for the drop list to pop up, then select your birth city from the list (It needs exact map coordinates from your birth location). Then your birth chart will pop up & its pretty self explanatory, It will show your sun sign, then underneath each planet it will show what house occupies each planet.

Sun in 1st house (Or Leo rising): You are someone who strives to be an "Individual". You have a very strong presence about you, a kind of dramatic presence that screams "I'm here! I have arrived! Let me entertain you! lol! You have a real desire to demonstrate who you are and what you are about. In your childhood, you most likely had plenty of toys and were spoiled with gifts to keep you entertained, which most likely followed closely into adulthood as well! As an adult, you are still very childlike (not in a bad way) & you are probably very good with children, and good at keeping them entertained. You also are good at making others feel confident (especially if your Sun sign is a Fire sign. You also love to be in the spotlight! Your purpose with this Sun placement is to discover your character, explore your persona, and express your identity. Evidently, you have no choice but to achieve success through the strength and confidence of your own independent actions, because, ultimately, you were born to inspire ours.

Sun in 2nd house: You enjoy receiving compliments on your material possessions, such as your new shiny car, or your new sneakers. You love feeling secure when it comes to finances . You can become utterly ashamed if you cant afford nice things, but you always keep a brave face even when you are struggling. You do not like asking for help, it bruises your ego. You feel most alive when you are on top of your finances, it helps you live life looking forward to the future, rather than having to worry about what will happen next. You can however become overly attached to the materialistic lifestyle. So try to keep this in mind and remember that family should be just as important as financial stability. You need to be able to balance the two. Your purpose with this Sun placement is to do nothing more than earn money, accumulate assets, and achieve tangible results with nothing less that honorable dealings and ethical practices as your standard operating procedure. This is a tough one, because that's really nothing but a virtual impossibility if you haven't first developed a reliable value system.

Sun in 3rd house: All you really want for people to do is just listen to you when you speak. Not just listen to hear you, but you want people to listen to really understand what you are saying, when you are speaking. If others don't listen, or if they interrupt you, or dismiss you, your ego will become bruised. You may struggle with communication, or you could sometimes feel undervalued for the things you have to say. You may even possibly be the more quiet type, but when you do finally have something to say, you want to feel heard when you speak. You are a person who really appreciates the art of communication. Your purpose with this Sun placement is to the fundamental development of the intellect: ours-- through the exhilarating experience of the immediate environment: yours. You must use your powers to engage our minds in the actual learning process by stimulating our curiosity in the collective neighborhood. You must expose us to that intricate web of interesting information and provocative people that seem to enhance our world by just inhabiting your zip code. To achieve your maximum potential, you must thoroughly investigate and skillfully circulate whatever happens to wander into your cosmic coordinates, your mind.

Sun in 4th house: Spending time with family is what makes you feel alive. Even if you aren't close with your family, you will strive to make a family of own one day. You want your home or living situation to feel comfortable like you are "home". Your close friends are like your "pack", they basically are like family to you. You make a great host when you throw family parties or when you attend a family gathering. You know how to make people feel welcomed and comfortable, no matter who they are. Your purpose with this Sun placement is to infuse each and every one of us with a strong sense of who we are by instilling in us a profound feeling of where we belong. You've been blessed with the necessary insight to know what it is we need, even when we don't. Providing the care, or establishing the support that is an earthly essential to the emotional survival of others.

Sun in 5th house: You thrive when you have an audience, or when you know that others are paying attention to what you are saying/doing. You might like to party, or go to a theatre, or drama shows. You love to keep yourself entertained. Even if you're just staying at home with a partner, you Just love to have some type of entertainment that gets you all fired up. You can also be very competitive. Sports would be a great outlet to let out some of this competitiveness. Your purpose with this Sun placement is to generate happiness, and demonstrate leadership through no other method than the brilliant display of your own creative talent, and for no other purpose than inspiring the rest of us to do the same. Your pursuit of pleasure is always somehow magically achieved through creative use of your mind, body and soul, and always somewhat invigorated by the blinding glare of the competitive spotlight. Your maximum potential depends on your ability to enrich the lives of those around you while playfully reaping the fruits of your own ingenious labors, and vowing the world in the noteworthy process.

Sun in 6th house: You express your ego/identity through your work and daily routines. You probably have a set routine or schedule that you do every single morning or afternoon. Such as a coffee run, taking a jog around the block, cleaning the house in a certain order every single day. What ever your routine is for, it is most likely a precise schedule that you stick to in a orderly fashion. You may enjoy helping others with their daily routines, or helping others get more organized in terms of their health. You love making to-do lists & checking off each task once completed. You are a natural at organization & keeping things in order. Your purpose with this Sun placement is to improve the mundane existence of our daily lives through the routine responsibilities of your daily grind. You feel like a slave to duty. You are, in fact, on some level, you're actually convinced that you were only brought into this world to devote your time, mind and muscles to those tiresome tasks of everyday living that are so desperately needed by everyone else, yet no one else seems to do the job better than you!

7th house: You perform beautifully for others. You know exactly what others want. You come alive when in the company of other people, especially those who validate you. You love to be noticed and admired by others. You can sometimes struggle with self acceptance or your own individuality. You may sometimes mirror others so they accept you. Because you are great at negotiation, you can mediate between two parties at odds with each other and help with figuring out a reasonable solution. You seek out injustices with the desire to set things right, for restoring harmony is very very important to you. I can't imagine a 7h Sun when things are chaotic, it will probably scare you. When something in your life is off balance, everything else can fall with it unless you set things straight again. You demand a peaceful life and work tirelessly to achieve it. Your purpose with this Sun placement is to responsibly celebrate others, to settle disputes, and impressively establish alliances. Your maximum potential depends on your willingness to relate to those around you effectively, but on your ability to do so objectively.

8th house: You can be manipulative in situations even if you aren't conscious of it at that particular moment, you subconsciously do this to gain control in situations. You may not be able to express how deeply you feel which is very frustrating to you. Some of you may also have unresolved childhood trauma, that needs to be brought to the surface in order to heal.

Because life usually begins with sex and ends with death, its not hard to understand why you're so frequently exposed to the seamier side of humanity and so routinely involved with the more violent forces of nature. It's also why your own life gets more complicated every time your tempted to unleash what could be catastrophic or exposing things that should be kept private, just because you happened to feel threatened. Sometimes the sun here also awards one with gains through lottery speculations, or unexpected prizes. With your Sun in the 8th house, you must use your Sun's power in the 8th house to transform yourself and others by skillfully controlling resources that don't belong to you. To access your maximum potential, you must first achieve the deep level of intimacy that's needed to access them.

9th house: You take pride in your deeply held beliefs (religious, philosophical, political, ethical, spiritual) whatever it is that you believe in is a huge part of your ego. You take a lot of pride in telling others about your beliefs. You life when others come to you for guidance or advice or even knowledge, especially when it comes to something you study. You come alive when sharing information with others on subjects that you know to be true. Your purpose with this Sun placement is to broaden our mental awareness by expanding your horizons. You cant help but shine heroically whenever your challenging the limits of our intellectual, spiritual, and physical boundaries. You are the one who has been chosen to move us beyond them. Your maximum potential can be accessed by discovering the unknown opportunities and exploring the infinite possibilities that lie just outside the borders of your own childhood limitations and your peripheral visions. With a 9th house Sun, your not only committed to the intellectual responsibility of searching for knowledge and spreading the truth, your pledged to the physical responsibility of defying the odds and going the distance to do so.

10th house: You are someone who gets your ego and identity wrapped up in your accomplishments. You love to be applauded and recognized for these things. You know what it takes to master something and you are probably very ambitious when it comes to your career. You are very likely to choose a career on what you would like to be known for. Your purpose with this Sun placement is to become a powerful somebody in the outside world. Not to worry. With your political savvy, you know your powerful way around the inside track, which is ultimately a good thing because, officially, you're here to establish your place in society by rising to a position of authority. No wonder your chronically compelled to impress the powers that be. You have a rendezvous with destiny to become one with yourself, and you will, but only through trial and tribulation of courageously calling the shots, respectfully running the show, and honorably following the rules, not manipulating them.

11th house: You come alive when you are a part of a group or movement. You love finding people who share the same interests as you. You love to have a "tribe", who encourages you, uplifts you, and inspires you to do better. You enjoy being in the company of others who keep you entertained. Desire to glow when you're apart of something bigger than yourself.

Your purpose with this Sun placement is to get out there in the middle of humanity and assert your own creative individuality. Its called group leadership, which is nothing more than a planetary permission slip to openly pursue ambitious goals, eagerly embrace impossible dreams, and stubbornly support revolutionary ideas, while inspiring a group of otherwise ambivalent associates to follow your idealistic lead in the sometimes rebellious, but always progressive, process. Talk about ambitious goals.

12th house: You feel most like yourself when you are alone or out of the public eye. You can come up with creative ideas when you are by yourself. A lot of your creativeness comes from your collective consciousness in a kind of "flash" of lightening that just jumps into your mind when you are in your own company. You are very creative, but you don't like others peeking in on your ideas while your in the middle of creating them, this might cause you to "freeze up". Your purpose with this Sun placement is to universally elevate your own immortal spirit by compassionately rehabilitating ours. Talk about higher callings. Evidently, this is one lifetime that should come with a halo, not just because your soul is cosmically committed to providing others with the deep sense of emotional fulfillment they deserve, but because you're the one who must selflessly supply them with the strong sense of psychological well being that they need. This is really no mortal task when you must first overcome your own childhood sense of guilt, loss, or shame before you do it. Is it any wonder that your so influenced by the past?

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