Our physical universe is basically split up into several different energy fields. The mental realm, emotional realm and the physical realm.
The psychical realm is the most dense & combines beings with every level of consciousness that can be found throughout the emotional, mental, and identity realms (with few exceptions like lower emotional & higher identity).
Unlike the physical realm, the emotional, mental & identity realms are divided into many energetic matrices that house specific levels of consciousness and awareness. As beings rise, they experience it as a shift. Like a shift into a brand new world with new beings. This shift isn’t in the physical spectrum because we are blended together from the lowest consciousness to the highest consciousness allowed by spiritual law.
Now the purpose for the physical experience is to allow beings on all different levels of consciousness, as an opportunity to interact with eachother as a means to spark growth in awarenss. It’s difficult to do this outside of the physical body because our consciousness lands within an energetic matrices of “like minded“ or equal in consciousness beings when we pass from the physical screen. If all of us had the exact same awareness, it would extremely difficult to grow to a higher level of consciousness. So the purpose of our existence is to continue growth and expansion.
When we grow and shift our consciousness here on earth, only a few key points along our paths do we recognize clear shifts. These are internal shifts and may or may not change our outside worlds. Most of the time, shifts come in subtle ways— like learning to reflect, being more mindful, less triggered, letting go of old habits, paying attention to small details that would have gone unnoticed before.
A 5d shift does not apply when we are in a physical body, however if any of us land in the mental realm between embodiments, maybe 5D is a valid way to shift awareness.
On earth, it is just mental chatter from low level, low awareness beings that believe they are truly sophisticated.
It is possible to raise your consciousness all the way up to the 144th level (which is the highest level allowed) by working in your physchology, self awareness, becoming mindful, multiplying your talents, and sharing your gifts with others.

In conclusion, Our soul is a star from the night sky (a ball of light/energy), and god gave each and every one of us an opportunity to have a physical experience here on earth so we can interact with other stars/souls on all different levels of awareness and learn from each other by having all types of experiences (including emotional) so we can raise our own vibrations to the next level. If we were to stay in the sky (5th dimension) we wouldn’t be able to interact on a PHYSICAL level, and have phsyical interactions. In the sky, we would all be on the same level of awareness. This is why it is important to find your life’s purpose & have as many possible experiences as you can while you are here on earth right now. These experiences will always stay within your soul, even when you reincarnate. This is how some people seem to be “born” with certain gifts, because in their previous life, their level of emotional consciousness had several experiences from the previous life & stuck with them & continues to grow infinitely.