On 7/29/2021 I went to my mothers dog grooming salon to help her out because her boyfriend who works the front (answering phones & making apts) had to go to his grandmothers 100th birthday party. I should mention that my aunt Kelly and her son Zack also work there.
While I was helping out, we had some conversations about my psychic abilities. I had brought my new archetype & archangel cards to show my mom, and I gave her a reading while she was shaving down a dog.
She had also brought me a book that she meant to give me the last time she saw me. She put it in my bag, so I wouldn't forget it.
At one point, we had a conversation that reminded me of a secret about my cat, "little dude" that I had only told my grandmother previously...
(For those of you that don’t know what happened to him, back in May, he got attacked by another animal & I had to rush him to the vet to get surgery. Unfortunately, only 5 days after his surgery, he snuck out the door and got hit by a car.)
But what I hadn't told anyone, was that after the vet told me he would need surgery, and I was deciding what to do, I heard a little voice in my head tell me that I'm wasting my time and money because it’s his time to go, he’s served his purpose.
But I ignored the voice and decided to let the vet stitch him up anyway. I couldn’t even believe what I was hearing... that I was wasting my time and money! (Ultimately, my intuition was correct...being that he got hit by a car 5 days later.)
So a few hours after I left the shop and got home, my mom sent me a text:
Shortly after she told me this, I was sitting down in my living room and decided to give myself a tarot reading.
(I should mention first, back in March, my cat "little dude" fathered a litter of kittens. I had planned on giving them all away, but after he passed, I decided to keep the one that looked like him. I named him "Anubis" after the Egyptian god of the dead. My mother also took one of the kittens.
So Anubis was sitting on the floor next to me, staring at me while I was shuffling my cards & as I laid my cards down on the table, he jumped up on the table & started viciously sniffing out the book my mom gave me, as if he was a hound dog. (The book she gave me is the tan and red book he’s sniffing out in the pics, and the deck of purple cards I brought to her job he also sniffed out in the other pics).
This kinda weirded me out, so I started recording him, then once he was done sniffing, he stopped and sat up on the table & just stared at me, which is something he doesn’t normally do.
I could sense that something was wrong with him so I asked him "what’s wrong nubes? What happened? Why you looking at me like that?" After I asked him that, I decided to shut the lights off and turn my camera on with the flasher, so I could catch anything on camera if something were to happen. And soon after, he jumps off the table & kept turning his head in different directions. After watching him spaced out staring in one direction, he would suddenly look in another direction as if he saw something. So while recording, I see that there’s an orb flying all over my living room & Anubis started chasing it & interacting with it. I was so glad I was able to catch it on camera. I recorded 12 minutes, then I sent my mom this message: The video for some reason wouldn’t send through text I guess because it was 12 mins long. Here’s a picture of him interacting with the my moms cat "Hermes" spirit.
He was staring right at it. Then he would chase it around, at one point in the video, it even flew right into him near his tail, then he started nipping at himself on his tail as if he had an itch he couldn’t scratch. The video I have is unbelievable, you can literally see him chasing this orb around. Cats can see things that the human eye can’t see. So this is completely normal for them & it probably happens more often than cat owners notice. But being that I’m a medium, I’ve learned to pay close attention to these things & I keep a close eye on my cats and their behaviors because I know that they can see & smell things that I physically can’t. But I could sense that something was around me, and then I telepathically communicated with his spirit. That’s why I felt it was necessary to tell my mom the reason why her cat waited for the day I came to her shop.
So I text her all that and she texted me back, "open the book I gave you"
I open the book and I couldn't believe it.

"Hermes Trismegistus" is who her cat was named after- The Greek god of wisdom!! Then she pointed out that Anubis was the one who performed the weighing of the heart ritual: The ancient Egyptians believed that the heart recorded all of the good and bad deeds of a person’s life, and was needed for judgment in the afterlife. After a person died, the heart was weighed against the feather of Maat (goddess of truth and justice). The scales were watched by Anubis (the jackal-headed god of embalming) and the results were recorded by Thoth (the ibis-headed god of writing). If a person had led a decent life, the heart balanced with the feather and the person was rendered worthy to live forever in paradise with Osiris. Well, the god Thoth is the Egyptian version of Hermes!! In the midst of all this, my aunt Kelly (who works at my moms shop) texted my mom and said this : But wait, there more! So then, about two days later I was driving home and I saw this weird shape in the clouds that looked like a cat to me. But by the time I was able to take a picture, the shape changed to what looked like the letter "H" with some type of figure underneath it. So I sent the picture to my mom and here is our texts:
I just thought this was something cool to share with those of you who are interested in the spiritual field of life. Thanks for reading my story.
#cat #spirits #orbs #psychiccat #psychicmedium #mystikminerva