I want our relationship to be full of passion.
Through the good & the bad- like a fatal attraction.
I want to feel understood,
and when I speak,
I want to feel heard.
Even when you don't agree with my words,
I want to be treated with the respect I deserve.
When I open up to you about my feelings,
I want to feel like they matter-
not like they're being dismissed.
Opening up is hard as fuck,
more than I'd like to admit.
I want to be treated with your utmost respect,
but 9x out of 10,
You treat me like a suspect.
When I voice my opinion during a disagreement,
please don't protest it.
First take the time to reflect-
don't be so quick to reject it.
I want to be praised when I accomplish a goal,
or do something worthy of recognition.
Especially when it's coming from the one whos been there
the times when I made bad decisions.
I want to feel so comfortable in your presence
that I can share all of my weaknesses.
Have a connection so deep,
that there's no reason to be secretive.
I want to feel like I'm worthy of knowing the truth at all costs,
even when your mind tells you boundaries were crossed.
Tell me when I'm doing something right- or something that you like,
so I don't always feel like I'm doing everything wrong,
when your list of criticism keeps going on & on.
Last but not least,
when you love someone-- I mean really love someone,
treat them like they're treasure.
Keep all of these things in mind,
you'll have a bond that will last forever.
© 2020 Alexis Haag. All rights reserved.