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Your biggest wound (Chiron) Aries-Virgo part 1

Chiron is often referred to as "the wounded healer", in other words, whatever sign/house your Chiron is in your chart, is where you were wounded in past life/childhood. Since you have so much experience with this hurtful wound, this wound will help you heal others with the same wound, once you have fully healed from it, or when you enter adulthood. Chiron is an asteroid that orbits our solar system somewhere between Uranus and Saturn. Its placement in your chart is where you can get to know & better understand what your deepest wound is, as well as the karmic, past-life energy you are here to work through to grow and evolve in this lifetime.

Chiron in Aries (or Chiron in 1st house): Chiron in Aries or the 1st house is all about your perception (the way you view yourself). You subconsciously feel like you exist only as a mirror of someone else, and the motivation to fight is also like is also just the interest of someone else. You are characterized by a great deal of courage and a fighting spirit that is nothing more than compensations for pain and insecurity, which always brings a repeated cycle of hopelessness, self-destructiveness, and hasty actions, that transfer all emotional pressure into pure action. You are hurt by your militant self-sufficiency because you are unable to seek help and support, convinced that you can do it all on your own. The reason for this attitude is mostly despair and fear that it will manifest in something that you aspire, with something visible or out loud. There is a possibility that you don't accept your body. You may be obsessed with working out, dieting, obsessing over the way that you look. Somebody may have made a comment on something to do with the way that you look. Lets say your head is to small for your body. When you go out in public, you might feel as if everyone is looking at how small your head is compared to the rest of your body, and your fearful that they might point it out, or make fun of you for that. You may have been humiliated in front of people as a child, maybe someone close to you pointed it out in front of others and that made you feel extremely uncomfortable. To the point where you try and do anything to fix it. This could be about anything related to the way you look, another example, maybe your eyes are too close together, or your hair is extremely thin, your teeth might be crooked, or one of your nostrils might be bigger than the other, or maybe you have a gap between your teeth, or freckles all over your face. What ever it is about yourself that you dislike the most, you must remember that these things are what make you unique as an individual. Learn to love these unusual things about yourself, and once you accept these things, is when you will be able to use your childhood wound, as a way to heal others with these same issues. You may be very good at helping others feel confident about the way that they look. For example if someone close to you seems to always complain about their looks, you might be the person that tells them how unique it makes them, and how much you love this part about them because it makes them stand out!

Chiron in Taurus (or Chiron in 2nd house): Those with their Chiron in Taurus or in the 2nd house, deepest wound is through money, or personal possessions. You may have been born into a family with financial instability. For example, maybe growing up you would see children with nice things and wonder why you can't have these things too. As an adult, you may feel helpless when it comes to money or nice things. Your hypersensitive when it comes to how you are perceived by others when it comes to your personal values, or how you spend your money. You might not be honest with others about what you spend your money on. Maybe your an adult investing into a toy collection, and you are afraid that others might judge you, because most other adults would invest in a business, or whatever is socially acceptable. So this is why you might choose to lie about what your really investing in thanks to your fear of rejection. This stemmed somewhere in your early childhood. You may have been made fun of for things you had no control over, having "cheap" toys while others would play on their iPad. You must learn to operate on your own time, and learn to accept what it is that you value the most, even if these things would be considered "weird" to others. Once you accept yourself & what it is that you value the most, this is when you can help to heal others by helping others with resources, being generous, staying calm through the storms, helping others accept themselves for who they are and what they value the most in life.

Chiron in Gemini (or Chiron in 3rd house): Those with their Chiron in Gemini or Chiron in the 3rd house, deepest wound is through the way they express themselves/communicate. They feel VERY misunderstood when sharing their point of view during discussions with others. They may have siblings who they were jealous of as a child, because they felt like their siblings were given more attention then them (Gemini rules siblings). They may have even been adopted or taken care of by another family member while the siblings stayed with the biological parent. This may be where this jealousy stems from, them feeling not good enough for their parents love. They felt they had to work harder then their siblings which is not fair for any child to have to deal with. But they will eventually learn that this was not through any fault of their own, even if they felt it was at the time. They may have been bullied or mocked in school or maybe they felt like they couldn't be themselves in front of certain people which made them change their personality in front of these people, to make the energy more comfortable between them for the time being. By them doing this, they probably didn't realize they were changing their character to please another person, which left them feeling confused, like who am I? Why can't I be myself? Why don't people like me for who I am? Once those with this placement have healed fully from their wound, they can use this very strong placement to help heal others. Once healed they will realize that their style of communication is very unique and they have a very special way of using their words. They can heal people just by communicating with them, being understanding. These people are VERY understanding when it comes to the feelings of others, because they know how hurtful people can be with their words, so they are very soft in their approach when trying to help someone. They will also probably be very protective if anyone tries to talk bad to their child, and they will teach their child to always be kind to the less fortunate, and to children with special needs, teaching them how valuable or hurtful words can really be.

Chiron in Cancer (or 4th house): Those with their Chiron in Cancer or in the 4th house is about dealing with emotions, needs and family. This placement is all about processing emotions. During childhood, where this wound stemmed from they may have felt like their needs don't matter. They may have felt like they were born into a family that didn't love them. As a child, they felt un-welcomed or un-safe. Maybe one or both of their parents were going through their own personal problems, which left the child feeling helpless, not having anyone to help them get through these extreme emotions, which ultimately left them feeling rejected or un-loved. The fourth house is the house of feeling like you belong, or having a safe place to live. Perhaps at some point in their childhood, they tried to express their emotions to their parents, telling them what they need to feel safe or secure, and their parents may have completely disregarded or dismissed their feelings. Which ultimately made them feel like every emotion they feel does not matter. In adulthood, they may have difficulty expressing their feelings, or may hold in how they truly feel. Those with this placement must learn that by holding in their real emotions, is masking who they are really meant to be as a person. Holding their truest feelings inside, they are prone to go along with things that they know deep down, is not what they truly want. This is the childhood wound that makes it hard to speak up, in fear of having their feelings rejected. They need to realize everyone has feelings, no matter how good someone may be at hiding them, we all have them. Once fully healed from this wound, they can help to heal others by teaching others the importance of family, teaching others about intuition & to always trust in it, and by teaching others that even if they don't have a family that they are close to, they can always create their own tribe!

Chiron in Leo (or 5th house): Those with their Chiron in Leo, or Chiron in 5th house have trouble with self confidence. They may feel like they aren't talented, which is probably not true at all. They may have felt un-creative compared to classmates during school years. That is only because they would compare their work to others, when those with this placement are actually very creative in their own special way. (A lot of celebrities have this placement). You are hypersensitive about the way others respond when you express yourself creatively. For example, in your childhood lets say you sing a song in front of somebody, or you showed a family member your new dance moves, something happened at one point in your childhood during expressing your creative side, that made you feel like you weren't doing it right, or maybe someone told you that your singing voice was horrible. This ate you up inside, and made you not ever want to do it again. You are excellent at picking up the energetic undertones in peoples reactions. You may have said to someone, I have a great idea! We should do it this way. You may have felt the energy of the person you were talking to, as if they thought your idea wasn't good enough. Or maybe they flat out told you, like your idea sucks & we should use my idea instead. In some way shape or form, somebody be-littled your ideas, which left you with this horrible wound. You must learn that you do have good ideas, and not everyone will accept these ideas, but that's ok! Everyone doesn't have to be on the same page as you. That doesn't mean your ideas are less valuable to anyone else's. Once you heal from this wound, You can start healing others by making others feel good about expressing their unique identities. If you have children, you will always encourage them to be unique in the way they express themselves. You will show them that they have a right to be themselves and to not be afraid of the reactions of others! Even if you don't have children of your own, you will encourage others to be proud of their work and to not care what the haters say! This is how you will use your childhood wound, to heal others!

Chiron in Virgo (or 6th house): Those with their Chiron in Virgo or in the 6th house, this placement is strongly related to their schedule. Growing up, they may have been taught that things must be perfectly aligned, or done a specific way, and if they didn't live up to these expectations, they would be criticized HARSHLY for this. Maybe they were given certain chores or duties that were to be completed within a certain time frame, and if they weren't completed on time, they felt they were being seen as lazy, incapable, or disorganized. Someone in their early childhood most likely watched them complete their duties like a hawk, pointing out each and every flaw along the way. Which ultimately made them feel like their way of doing things would never be good enough to meet this bossy persons standards. Those with this placement must learn that everyone has their own ways of doing things, and although they may have been scolded as a child for not performing their tasks the way their caregiver asked them too, doesn't mean they were doing anything wrong. Perhaps the caregiver was the one with control issues. As an adult, this wound may show up in work, for example, lets say they show up at work, everything is going good, they get ready to take a 30 minute lunch break, when they come to clock back in ready to clock back in, they realize they are 5 minutes late. This wound might show up in the form of their boss noticing that they were 5 minutes late, even if it was the first time this happened. The boss might criticize them for being late & explain how they need to be more responsible. Even if other people are late all the time coming back from lunch. Those with this placement seem to get noticed more than others. Those with this placement must learn that the way they do things are ok, as long as it works for them that is all that matters. Once fully healed, they can help heal others by helping people take control of their own lives through creating structures, healing through food, and by letting go of perfection.

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